
=================================以下為交流用空間 ==============================

Thor:  這篇建議搬到g0v workspace下邀人? 屬於g0v範圍內的工具,在那邊可以邀到人協作,這裡(glassy workspace)是組黨和推政策為主,目前還沒很多人


可是不知道要怎麼搬!就複製貼上嘍? orz


好吧其實我也覺得做的太簡單了,但是感覺像是隨便找個理由打發我啊。 ==



We found that your app only provides a very limited set of features. It only allows users to view news events via other streaming channels, but the app provides no additional features. While we value simplicity, we consider simplicity to be uncomplicated - not limited in features and functionality.

We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide on-going entertaining, draw people in by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn’t do before or in a way they couldn’t do it before.

We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional content and features to provide a more robust user experience. For information on the basics of creating great apps, watch the video "The Ingredients of Great Apps".

我覺得app因為定位問題, 效用是一時的(因為學運終究會過去)

但可以朝加強影音平台整合&社群交流( 文字轉播 & IRC)的功能去延伸, 方便日後社運活動使用

細節還沒多想, 有想到再補

前幾天有人提到firechat, 那個方向也可以嘗試看看

+1 我覺得fire chat 超棒的,可以省去無謂的繞路!

對於很多活動場內互相溝通很幫助。  XD

手機沒訊號也可傳訊息,FireChat 怎麼辦到的?

FireChat缺點是目前只支援iOS,不支援Android的原因也許在於FireChat除了使用 Open Garden 自家的技術外,還有一個在 iOS 7 中加入的「Multipeer Connectivity Framework」,這個新架構讓 iOS 可以透過 Wi-Fi 與藍牙來傳訊。不知道Android上有沒有類似概念的app呢?Android系統上是否有類似的架構能達成這目的呢?會不會因為Android的開放特性→機器之間相容性→導致問題?照理說同樣是透過Wi-Fi與藍芽,iOS與Android沒道理不能互為peer才對?

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