(g0v@Stanford Talk) Fork and Merge an Open Government: Experiments of g0v in Taiwan
Title: Fork and Merge an Open Government: Experiments of g0v in Taiwan
Date: 10/30/2016 Sunday
Time: 3-5 pm
Location: Havana Room, Graduate Community Center 1F, Stanford University
- (750 Escondido Rd, Stanford, CA 94305)
Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/oSvXXy6D1p82
RSVP: https://ocftw.typeform.com/to/wC3wyN
The g0v.tw (gov-zero Taiwan) is a civic tech community that pushes information transparency, focusing on developing platforms and tools for citizens to participate in society and the processes of government policy-making. Substituting the "o" with "0" in gov, g0v not only stands for rethinking the role that the government plays from the bottom up, but also represents the world view of 0 and 1 in the digital natives generation.
Founded in 2012, g0v grew to 1000+ contributors within 18 months, with a mix of 40% developer, 30% designer, and 30% activists/officials from government. Taiwan also topped the OKFN Open Data Index in 2015, and g0v is seen as one of the most vibrant civic tech communities in the world. g0v has pushed for open government data, and helped the government draft the Open-Definition-compliant Open Government Data License. We are happy to invite Kirby Wu (co-founder of g0v), Yuren Ju (active participant of g0v) and Ttcat (g0v participant & deputy-CEO of Open Culture Foundation) to share their experiences of civic hacking.
g0v websites: http://g0v.tw/en-US/manifesto.html
15:00-15:05 Opening
15:05-15:25 Kirby Wu / Introduction to g0v
- * Taiwan Government Budget Visualization
- * Congress Cinema
- * Open Political Contributions
- * Hack Folder and Their Use Cases
15:25-15:45 Yuren Ju / Gamification for a Nearly Impossible Recall Election - Appendectomy Project
- slides: https://speakerdeck.com/yurenju/impossible-election-for-recall-in-taiwan
- In 2014, some of legislators in Taiwan only followed the decision of their party and not listening the voice from people, the reason they ignored the voice is election recall is very hard to be executed in Taiwan. Appendectomy Project is a project which used creative way to deliver message to citizen, collect necessary equipments in gamification way and fight for this impossible recall election.
15:45-16:05 Ttcat / From Community to Foundation
- * An Introduction of Open Culture Foundation and Its Collaboration with g0v.
16:05-16:30 QA Section
- Kirby Wu (吳泰輝) / g0v co-founder
- As a data visualization specialist, web developer and g0v participant, Kirby founded and organized projects related to news media and communication technologies such as 0media (2014), dBootcamp Taipei (2015) , Hacks/Hackers Taipei (2016), PlotDB (2016), and also participated in education about data journalism in Taiwan’s colleges such as Shih Hsin University and National Chengchi University. Also an amateur photographer who contributed to g0v hackathons’ albums.
- Yuren Ju (朱昱任) / g0v participant
- Yuren is an active participant of open source communities. He has served as a core organizer in Taiwan’s biggest open source conference, COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters). Yuren has been in g0v for years and taken part in 627 Explosion Info Platform, Appendectomy Project, Overtime Pay Calculator (勞基法計算機)
- Ttcat (吳銘軒) / g0v participant & deputy-CEO of Open Culture Foundation
- Min-Husan is an activist. He has served as a campaigner of the antinuclear movement and a former committee member of Green Party Taiwan. He is also a Php coder and an active participant of g0v.
Transcript and Translation (現場文字記錄暨中英翻譯區)
Kirby Wu
- g0v 的起源:yahoo hackathon, 供吃供睡供啤酒寫 code。原本有別的計畫,但看到了經濟部動能推升計畫..."it’s too complicated too understand"。有人用麥當勞搞笑廣告只花了4888 元做了類似的廣告。
- yahoo hackathon 於是決定做預算這個 project。但它是不 open 的格式。參考了Obama政府做的 open budget 的網頁。做了中央總預算的視覺化,還有單位換算。每個預算都編了一個連結,可以讓FB留言來comment。從此每一筆預算都有單獨的連結,可以讓它更容易理解&傳播。
- yahoo hackathon 裡很多不同的計畫,有意義的,有趣的,無厘頭的。後來總預算計畫得獎有了一筆獎金,吃了燒肉後還剩下很兩萬多.....Let’s do hackathon
- 黑客松:狹義 sprint-like event for computer programming。廣義可以來寫文字做做報導。但在我們心中是....pizza、麵線、炸G、food etc.
- g0v hackathon: open for registration (2 weeks ahead) > project/talk registration > hackathon day
- hackfoldr: 協作平台、共筆、資訊、提案場所....。
- 提案關鍵:錄影是否釋出?開放授權的license? 專案徵什麼的人?
- a hackathon day: 3 min. pitch > self-intro > hack! food! hack!
- 參與者:不限國籍、姓別、身份、年齡、能力
- 20+ hackathons; 2 summits; 1k+ contributors
- g0v = decentralised, open data, open source (不只是原始碼,也包括紀錄、成果)
- 2012 成立至今已作成了上百個 projects, e.g.
- Law Corpus in GIT: 把法條轉成 md 格式, 再放上 git 記錄法條的修改記錄
- 立院影城: 立院原有 ivod 但並不好用。於是把 ivod 轉出來,再加入獻花、西瓜、藍白拖等等功能,互動與趣味性。也透過 crowdsourcing (丟東西)的方式,來做影片的分析。
- 政治獻金開放專案: 原本文件在監察院,不給電子檔只能去監察院看紙本。有 NGO 去印了兩千多頁來 g0v 求救 >> 人工 OCR + 群眾協作&遊戲化 。24hrs 2637頁完成OCR,一共有637K commits >> 最後再用這份 data 做出視覺化
- hackfoldr: 整理雜亂的線上共筆。後來實用在太陽花運動、八仙塵爆、雨傘革命 etc.
- 急診人生: 與報導者合作的專案。用遊戲來理解台灣急診室醫生所遇到的問題。轉換視角為醫生來體驗。
Yuren Ju
- 割闌尾專案: 超過 1000 人的貢獻。
- 加州罷免有很多案例。成功罷免案例:投票人數的規模約有15萬人。如何做:
- step one: 10人連署意向書
- step two: 6個月內拿到12%區內選民的連署,大約 68 signatures/day
- step three: 50% yes 即可罷免
- 台灣case
- step one: 2% 選民提案
- step two: 1個月內拿到 13% 連署,700+ signatures/day
- step three: vote rate > 50%; vote yes > 50%
- mission impossible!
- why so difficult? 因為1994年反核的罷免爭議,提高了罷免的門檻,從那時起再也沒有成功的提案
- two challenges: (1) get 1298 petition signatures (2) vote rate > 50%; vote yes > 50%
- 正好有市長選舉 (投票率 70%),在投票站外設罷免站!
- create a website to survey who should be recalled
- 收集連署online + offline: 網頁上直接下載,可以直接寄出 + 連署站
- 2% signatures took 5 months
- 11/29 市長選舉當天要 130 stations (booths & volunteers) >> make a website to borrow equipments and call for volunteers
- 設計成一個遊戲:公民V vs. 祭止兀,列上志工&物資狀況以及地圖表示
- 成功收集到連署,開始進行舖天蓋地宣傳
- g0v 是割闌尾的小小部分, 包括廣告界、在地社群的參與、沿街拜票、街頭宣講。與咖啡館合作連署書的集散地。三立鄉土劇的意外宣傳。上新聞談話性節目。演唱會。桌遊、貼紙etc. 周邊商品。
- 各種 kuso 的宣傳文獻
- 投票日是情人節,於是結合了情人節來宣傳。
- 投票結果 >> 失敗... 與加州罷免案比較,台灣參與的數字非常高,但仍不能成功,反應了制度的不合理。
- 但是:罷免的新草案已送入立法院!
- 長期在社運裡經營。5月加入OCF。
- from anger to hacking 正向協作
- open culture experiment 透過技術把 non-tec, NGO, gov 串連在一起。
- NGO 有議題
- gov 可以來公私協作的案子。e.g. 台北市政府預算視覺化
- 參與者多元,有不同的技能與角色
- g0v’s eco-system: 一面維持開放去中心化的社群,另一面希望有更多人持續的投入。於是有了0rg.tw的基金會 >> Open Culture Foundation 成立於 2014 年,不只服務 g0v,也服務台灣開源技術社群。
- OCF helps open tech communities 處理行政、金流、募款 etc.
- OCF’s international project: 贊助青年到國外參加 confs & 與許多外館合作辦理活動、講座
- 2016 g0v summit 拆後重建
- 800+ attendees, 17+ countries, 44+ speeches & 張善政的出席
- 100+ volunteers
- what’s our next step: infrastructure, sharing, connections
- g0v = 人 x 坑 x 松
- 新手找坑 or 新坑找人 >> 基礎建設松 project hub
- 揪松團community building >> from decentralized to multi-centered
- civic tech grant (launch 2016/12)
- g0v as one of three most vibrant civic tech groups
- 如何串連亞洲 civic tech >> intl civic tech news,
- open government report
- 參與國際重要會議 CfA、OGP
- 舉辦 civic tech week
Pre-Event Notification
Dear all,
Thank you for signing up for "Fork and Merge an Open Government: Experiments of g0v in Taiwan".
Here are some reminders:
- Time: 10/30/2016 (Sunday), 3-5 pm
- Location: Havana Room, Graduate Community Center 1F, Stanford University (750 Escondido Rd, Stanford, CA 94305)
- Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/oSvXXy6D1p82
- Event info & transcript http://bit.ly/2cSBlM6
- We prepare some g0v drip coffee bags for you. Please kindly bring your own mug.
See you on Sunday!
Open Culture Foundation