Code for America 舉辦 CodeAcross 2014 活動 (2/21-23),以 Beyond Transparency 為今年主題 ,同時響應 OKFN International Open Data Day (2/22) 。g0v除了響應 ODD,2/19也確認 g0v 響應 CodeAcross,有些宣傳串連文件要作,新聞稿為其一,也當作一個紀錄。
Open Data Day/CodeAcross 新聞稿
February 22, 2014
Contact: g0v.tw 零時政府社群 g0v-talks [at] googlegroups.com
以下開放翻譯認領(文件授權將以 CC by g0v contributors 釋出):
Open Data Day/CodeAcross 新聞稿
February 22, 2014
Contact: g0v.tw 零時政府社群 g0v-talks [at] googlegroups.com
The [YOUR CITY] Community Joins Together for [Day or Weekend] of Civic Innovation: Feb XX
Hosted by [Brigade/Group Name] the event will focus on taking government data and using it to enhance the community.
g0v零時政府社群響應國際 2/22 CodeAcross公民創新行動
This event is co-hosted by Code for America, Sunlight Foundation, and Open Knowledge Foundation -- one of 45 events happening around the globe this weekend as part of CodeAcross.
本次的CodeAcross由 Code for America、Sunlight Foundation、Open Knowledge Foundation 合辦,世界各地共有45個國家的社群共襄盛舉,一同在2/22的周末舉行公民創新的活動。
[YOUR CITY], February 22, 2014 — Today, a local group of community-minded technologists, organizers, and volunteers are joining together to [enter specifics of event activity].
This event is part of CodeAcross -- an international weekend of locally held events. There are 45 events being held in communities around the globe. Each event is unique, but all share the theme of “Let’s take the data beyond transparency” -- and focus on using data to enhance communities.
這場活動為 CodeAcross 的一部分──一個在各地週末舉辦的國際性活動。全球共有 45 個社群一起響應舉辦此活動。各地的活動雖不相同,但都以「促進資訊透明」為主要核心,並致力於運用資料來加強社群運作。
[Quote from event organizer]
CodeAcross is organized by Code for America (CfA), the Sunlight Foundation, and the Open Knowledge Foundation and is sponsored by Esri and Microsoft. This is the third annual CodeAcross.
CodeAcross 由 Code for America、陽光基金會 (Sunlight Foundation) 及開放知識基金會 (Open Knowledge Foundation) 共同主辦,並且由美國環境系統研究所 (Esri) 與微軟共同贊助。今年為第三屆的年度 CodeAcross 活動。
CodeAcross is open to any person and any municipality or community: big, or small, beginner or expert. Last year 22 communities participated in CodeAcross. Events are designed to promote civic engagement and collaboration between local governments and citizens – and to put the vast amount of data cities collect and house to good use. February 22, 2014 is International Open Data Day.
CodeAcross 活動對所有人、所有政府組織或社群組織均開放,且無論規模大小、參與者程度都一樣歡迎。去年共有 22 個社群參與了 CodeAcross 活動。活動旨在促進公民參與、以及促進當地政府和人民間的共同合作,以期能將每座城市所收集儲存的大量資料,化為更有益的用途。
WHO: [List groups, individuals, city partners that are attending]
WHEN: February [X], 2014
WHERE: [Venue/Address]
WHAT: [Event type]
“CodeAcross is an opportunity for citizens to participate in building stronger, more open and engaging governments where they live, but also to be connected to a global network of citizens who are doing the same thing around the world,” said Catherine Bracy, Code for America’s director of community organizing. “The goal is to build long-lasting communities who can collaborate with their governments to make cities work better.”
「CodeAcross 是一個公民參與的在地機會,一同打造一個更強健、更開放、參與度更高的政府,並同時和全世界其他有志一同的公民們相互連結。」Code for America 社群組織總監凱薩琳•布萊希 (Catherine Bracy) 表示,「我們的目標,是希望能在各地建立長久持續的社群,而他們可以與當地政府攜手合作、共同讓城市運作得更好。」
[Blurb about your Brigade, what activities you do or have done, and when/where it meets.]
This is the 8th hackathon hosted by the g0v community. Highlights from the event:
Full list of events: http://codeforamerica.org/codeacross.
Code for America contact: Lauren Reid, 415-200-9468 or lr@codeforamerica.org
Code for America (CfA) 聯繫窗口: Lauren Reid, 415-200-9468, lr@codeforamerica.org
關於 Code for All
Code for All is a network of international organizations and individuals who want to create change in their countries. Partners from around the world are using Code for America’s resources and lessons to transform their own communities and local governments. For more information about Code for America, watch Founder Jennifer Pahlka’s TED talk: codeforamerica.org/TED or go to codeforamerica.org.
匯聚了世界各地想促成改變的組織與個人,夢想家與行動家,Code for All的成員運用Code for America的資源與課程,進行在地政府、社群的改造。你可以在Code for America的官方網站、創辦人Jennifer Pahlka的TED演講中更深入了解其宗旨及願景。
based on the work of Code for America
About Sunlight Foundation
The Sunlight Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit that uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent and accountable. Visit http://SunlightFoundation.com to learn more about Sunlight’s projects, including http://PoliticalPartyTime.org and http://influenceexplorer.com
沒有黨派、不進行營利,陽光基金會(Sunlight Foundation)利用創新的科技與創意致力於政府資訊透明化,提供公民監督政府的可能性。你可以在陽光基金會的官方網站看到其主力專案,如:《Political Party Time》、《Influence Explorer》。
About Open Knowledge Foundation
The Open Knowledge Foundation founded in 2004 is a worldwide network of people who are passionate about openness, using advocacy, technology and training to unlock information and turn it into insight and change. Our aim is to give everyone the power to use information and insight for good. Visit http://okfn.org/ to learn more about the Foundation and its major projects including http://SchoolOfData.org/ and http://OpenSpending.org/.
期望讓社會上每一個公民都能具備用資訊創造正向價值的能力,2004年成立的開放知識基金會 (Open Knowledge Foundation)長期利用科技及相關訓練進行「開放知識」的推廣,將資料解放、加值,以促成實際的社會改變。目前的主力專案包括:《School of Data》、《Open Spending》等,更多資訊歡迎到開放知識基金會的官方網站瀏覽查詢。