路平專案雜記頁 / 公眾通報功能
- github repo: https://github.com/g0v/roadpin
- demo site:
- forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/roadpin
- Bristol Bugbears
- https://bristolbugbears.commonplace.is/
- Bristol City Council has been awarded funding to make small improvements to cycling and walking facilities around the city.
- Pothole Tracker
- https://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/cdot/dataset/potholetracker.html
- When crews respond to a 311 pothole request, they fill all additional potholes on that block. Click a dot on the map to see potholes filled by address, the date the service request was completed, and the total number of potholes filled on a particular block. Duplicate requests have been removed.
- 督視人
- http://spectatordo.herokuapp.com/
- 讓居民回報公共空間中較不具急迫性的議題,例如人行道設計不良。
- 紅不讓
- https://www.facebook.com/redred.tw/about
- 套疊都市紅黃線地圖與路霸通報
- 共享路平
- https://g0v.hackpad.tw/Iz4ydeSxlGH
- 「市民探針」app
- Android https://goo.gl/YzE1A2
- ios https://goo.gl/Q08ez6
- 積水通報,介紹文章 http://communitytaiwan.moc.gov.tw/Item/Detail/%E9%97%9C%E6%96%BC%E9%98%B2%E7%81%BD%EF%BC%8C%E7%A4%BE%E5%8D%80%E7%87%9F%E9%80%A0%E5%8F%AF%E4%BB%A5%E5%81%9A%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%EF%BC%9F
- City Probe 都市探針
- https://apkpure.com/city-probe-%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82%E6%8E%A2%E9%87%9D/tw.edu.fcu.cityprobe
- https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=11588969&docId=0
- 地圖協作平台
- http://tgos.nat.gov.tw/MapSites/Web/MS_Home.aspx
- 台北市資訊局
- https://hackpad.com/Input-Beta-G2rD0vAMzx3
- fixmystreet
- 中文版: https://github.com/misgod/fixmystreet
- 開發者記錄:http://35around.blogspot.tw/2014/06/311.html
- MapIt
- http://mapit.mysociety.org/
- MapIt was written back in 2003 as a postcode lookup to power the original mySociety sites such asWriteToThem. Over time it gained features such as point lookup (for FixMyStreet), and when Ordnance Survey data became freely available in 2010, it was rewritten and made public for the whole UK. Versions have appeared in other countries, such as Norway, and in 2012 we released a global version based on OpenStreetMap data.
- City Savior
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/opengovgroup/permalink/2001119393452980/
- Open311
- http://www.open311.org/
- A collaborative model and open standard for civic issue tracking
- ichangemycity
- http://www.ichangemycity.com/
- comment and complains, backend links to civil agency.
- uReport
- https://github.com/City-of-Bloomington/uReport
- Issue tracking and constituent relations management for municipalities with an Open311 (GeoReport v2) endpoint
- StreetCred
- 波士頓市政府與 Engagement Game Lab 合作,推出了StreetCred(街頭威望)的API https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/32563/bn-article-32563
- Citizens Connect: Making Boston Beautiful.
- http://www.cityofboston.gov/doit/apps/citizensconnect.asp
- Citizens Connect is the City of Boston’s award-winning effort to empower residents to be the City’s "eyes and ears." Now you can alert the City of Boston to neighborhood issues such as potholes, damaged signs, and graffiti.
- Boston StreetBump
- http://www.streetbump.org/
- Adopt-a-Hydrant (認養消防栓)
- http://www.adoptahydrant.org/
- Adopt a SF drain
- https://adoptadrain.sfwater.org/
- 讓居民可以透過app看哪裡的排水道蓋推機雜物,哪裡又已經清理完畢,也可以即時回報哪裡需要清理。
- iCitizen: Mapping Service Delivery in a South African Municipality
- https://crowdgov.wordpress.com/case-studies/icitizen-mapping-service-delivery-in-a-south-african-municipality/
- Shareabouts - Shareabouts is a simple web app for crowdsourced mapping.
- http://demo.shareabouts.org
- 應用案例:http://blog.openplans.org/category/shareabouts/
- 「TrailWatch 徑.香港」手機應用程式
- https://www.facebook.com/trailwatch/posts/1376132082426369
- 馬來西亞 MyCleanCity
- http://www.mycleancity.my/
- 馬來西亞 BetterPanang
- http://www.betterpg.com/
- http://cat.betterpg.com/v2/
- 馬來西亞 AduanKu(Report, view, or discuss local problems)
- https://aduanku.my/
- https://www.facebook.com/sinarproject/posts/673529212813278:0
- 馬來西亞 Issue Tracker
- https://sinarproject.hackpad.com/Issue-Tracker-Concept-Draft-ZoBEiHHAWhM
- http://www.unglobalpulse.org/projects/citizen-feedback-data-local-government-decision-making
- 路殺社模式
- https://roadkill.tw/
- 「路殺社」鼓勵民眾回報道路上死亡的動物,專案團隊開發了可以用 fb 社團回報資料的程式
- Maptionnaire
- http://maptionnaire.com/?lang=en
- 印度德里的城市安全地圖「SafetiPin」,透過這個程式,使用者可以輸入照明、可見度、交通、人口密度等資料,藉此對各公共區域的安全度進行評分。截至目前為止,這個程式上已經有超過五萬一千個資料點。
- https://g0v.news/civictechweekly-a462dd6e4544
- 衛報的群眾貢獻影像平台
- 主題舉例「不再被喜愛的都市河流 Unloved city rivers: share your stories and photos」:https://witness.theguardian.com/assignment/56261b84e4b00378ab588bbf
- 土砂災害歷史照片平台
- http://246.swcb.gov.tw/Event2015/vote.aspx
- 台灣水土保持局鼓勵民眾上傳無版權爭議之歷年災害照片,並且協助將照片定位,釐清拍攝角度
- 瑞典的于默奧市(Umeå)想要打造維基百科城,舉辦競公開編寫條目競賽,號招全球一起幫他們寫當地文史條目,(有些條目甚至連英文版的都沒有,真是超local的)未來會在各地標上放QRcode,方便民眾查閱。
- Open Geo Data for Government - Cases of OSM and Gov collaboration mode - 政府與OSM的合作應該可以為二種模式,一是政府匯入OSM,經由Mappers修改、更新後,再被政府取回,另一種是OSM資料被政府資料庫吸收後,再釋出於社群,後者所收集到的案例,資訊都不是相當明確。
- 小編模式
- 交通事件 https://www.facebook.com/safe.traffic/
- 淹水 https://www.facebook.com/crazyck101/posts/1306884369431587
- 蒐集相關案例的文章: http://googlemapsmania.blogspot.tw/2016/05/map-reporting-in-local-government.html
- https://crowdgov.wordpress.com/case-studies/ - about governmental projects that incorporate crowdsourced data.
- https://www.facebook.com/googhostmap/posts/147326995674563
- 海嘯通報器材檢查
- http://sirens.honolulu.gov/