

時間:2017-10-21 週六下午 13:30-18:00

地點:Moz 工寮


什麼是 g0v 基礎建設松?

g0v 社群由「人、坑、松」組成,如何讓參與者容易串連協作,需要更多好用的工具與平台。繼兩年前第零次基礎建設松後[1],揪松團重啟相關計畫,揪碼農筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓去中心化的分散式工作更有效能。目前進行的計畫有 g0v Hub(社群人力銀行)、g0v search(社群文件搜尋器)、g0v domain 申請規劃、g0v 專案雲端主機代管規劃、新手教學等,也歡迎提案。


基礎建設 hackfoldr: http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-infras/

揪松 trello: https://trello.com/b/f8gWnjeC/g0v-jothon-organizer



☞ 上次成果:https://g0v.hackpad.tw/7t0vS5K1r69

☞ Jothon 入口網

☞  g0v 機器大使 - caasi Huang

g0v 機器大使是 YA0H 這個 project hub 提案的一部分,包含一個用來整理 g0v 專案脈絡的 dashboard 。 dashboard 現在跑在 middle2 上: http://kinmen-tao-884344.middle2.me/ !

現在在 Logbot 頁面,可以點選 log 的時間標記,將 log 加到 dashboard 中,再加上跟專案有關的 hashtag 。 dashboard 還有很多 bug ,正在找可以一起上 hashtag 的人,希望大家多多指教 XD

建議與 bug 回報可以到: https://github.com/g0v/ambassador

☞  辦松 toolkit


☞  Talk 資訊投影片更新


☞  Update awesome.g0v

☞  讓更多 g0v 專案上 Middle2



Eric Gordon 是 Engagement Lab 的創辦人,美國 Emerson College 視覺媒體藝術系的教授,同時也是哈佛 Berkman Center for Internet and Society 的一員,研究數位公民參與、遊戲化學習。著有 Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked WorldCivic Media: Technology|Design|Practice

Engagement Lab


Location based media

Engagement Lab


Location based media

Organizations adopt technologies to shift the value of society

civic technology movement (in the US) 

the values driving civic technology

technology is often put in the service to enhance efficiency, solving problem for organizations, governments

the ideology is for individuals to take up things government unable to solve 

people using their mobile devices to help government to solve problem by crowdsourcing

govt is to serve and can outsource its job to citizens, and the value of efficiency was celebrated

but every piece of technology is infused with values and we use them for a reason, they are not neutral

civic tech is often considered as something that is to serve gov’t purposes and often got appropriated

meaningful  inefficiencies - inefficiencies can be positive, if they are designed  in a way to allow people to create meanings, e.g. deliberation, relation  building, encounter, experiences

how we can use technologies to embody that inefficiency to enhance those values

game  design - the experience of playing a game is the experience of abiding  the rules that make the process of going through the system inefficient

design the system to allow people to create things in the system is in essence the meaning of democracy

Engagement Lab - applied research lab to study civic life in the digital culture

@ Stake - card game -> mobile game


data basic 
