There are no stupid questions!
What is g0v? How do you even pronounce g0v? Who are you? What do you do? How can I help?
Now is your chance to ask to your heart’s content. There really are no stupid questions. The simpler the better. Ask away! Then, hopefully, we’ll make a nice (and if possible, funny) audio/video version of this Q&A.
每次有新朋友來都會碰到這些問題,藉這次設計松難得這麼多說人語言的people出現,來做個新手問題彙整。彙整完後再到地下電台來個 有問有答,讓大家晨跑的時候聽 ( Poren Chiang Audrey Tang)。然後進階版再來做個教學影片版~ Moon Chang (可以tag台灣吧嗎?)