g0v Summit 2016 Call for Speaker 宣傳

Open Data / Taiwan 貼的




英文 Email 版

Subject: (May 14-15, Taiwan) Call for Talks: g0v Summit


Returning for a second year after 2014, the g0v Summit 2016 will take place in May 14-15, 2016 at Taipei’s Academia Sinica.  Call for talks is open until Feb 22: http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/g0v-cfp#en

We are pleased to invite the global civic tech community to share their experiences for collaboration between public servants, technologists, and NGO workers.  We are pleased to have Felipe Heusser, founder and former Director of the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente and Fellow at the Berkman Center, as our keynote speaker.

g0v Summit 2014 had 43 speakers from 9 countries with diverse backgrounds, including Open Data evangelists, public servants, NPO/NGO workers, scholars, and entrepreneurs.  

  • ▋ Fork and Merge
  • "Openness", "Transparency" and "Participation" have become popular keywords.  The global civic tech communities are experimenting with mass participation, new media forms and making better use of data, which is essentially "forking" the government like an open source movement.  We would like to see how these processes and practices can be sustainably "merged" into daily governance, as well as having interdisciplinary conversation about these changes and impacts.

    ▋ Calling for Speakers

    We would like to invite talk submissions about stories on open collaboration and civic tech, with the following topics:


    .Oversight / Participatory Democracy

    .Activism and Mobilization

    .New Media / Art & Design

    .Crowd / Citizen Science 

    .Disaster / Environment

    .Care and Welfare


    .Anything related to Open Collaboration and Civic Tech

    The session of each topic is 30 minutes. If there are many similarly themed discussion topics, we may also adjust the format to a panel.  There will also be unconference sessions for people to extend conversation.

    To submit a talk in g0v Summit 2016, please go to http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/g0v-cfp#en

    The submission is open until  February 22. We will notify and publish the results on February 29.  If you have any question, please contact the program committee at [email protected]

  • Traveling and accommodation
  • We have limited funding for travel and accommodation for overseas speakers.  If you have your own funding source, we would be happy to list the funding organization as a sponsor of the event.

  • About g0v

  • g0v is a civic tech community established in late 2012 with deep open-source roots. With 1,000+ contributors through 30+ hackathons, it is recognized as one of the largest group in the global civic tech community.  The results are many civic-made tools for better information disclosure, citizen engagement, and online democracy.  g0v community is one of the major driving forces for official adoption of better Open Data practices in Taiwan, whose achievement is recognised by OKFN in their 2015 survey.
  • International Early Bird Program
  • g0v Summit 2016 International Early Bird Program is for residents in countries other than Taiwan. Applicant should provide his/her proof of residence in forms of blog, Facebook / Google plus / LinkedIn profile with Location, along with a post like "I’m visiting Taiwan for g0v Summit 2016".

    Application period is 2/15 - 2/29.  For further information, please visit http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/



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    講者介紹:Felipe Heuseer

    Felipe Heusser 是美國哈佛大學法學院貝克曼網路與社會中心的研究員,同時也是一名積極的倡議者、研究者、以及社會創業家。主要關注的領域是公民科技、資訊及網路自由、公民媒體、與開放政府。

    Felipe 是智利 Ciudadano Inteligente 基金會的創辦人及前執行長,在他的執掌期間,Ciudadano Inteligente 基金會將其運作範圍擴大到拉丁美洲,共同創辦了拉丁美洲公民黑客(civic-Hacker)網路 Desarrollando America Latina,並且與英國 MySociety 合作發起 Poplus 專案,希望共同開發各種公民參與的開源元件,讓世界各地的 NGO 都可重複使用。

    Felipe 也是開源的直播串流應用 Rhinobird.tv 的共同創辦人,Rhinobird.tv 在 2012 年時,贏得了 Knight News Challenge。

    講者介紹:Colin Megill