爭取同志婚姻合法是一條漫長的路途。從最早祁家威在 1986 年開始公開出櫃要求同性婚姻合法,到兩千年初申請大法官釋憲,到現在。曾經,我們以為永遠看不到盡頭,多少同志前輩來不及等到這一天,便黯然地結束了生命。今年十月份,在畢安生教授不幸墜樓後,我們發現了背後的哀淒故事,婚姻平權的戰火才又在近期再度點燃。今年 11 月份,國會三黨分別提出了納入婚姻平權的民法修正草案,卻依然遭受到保守勢力的多方杯葛,一方面以要求開公聽會、公投、另立專法等手段拖延修法程序,一方面散播謊言,製造恐懼,抹黑同性婚姻。在上個月底的 11 月 28 日,將近兩萬名民眾在舉辦婚姻平權公聽會的同時,在立法院外支持並訴求「相挺為平權,全民撐同志」。16 個小時前的今天,有______人從台灣北中南東各地集結,挺身而出在凱達格蘭大道所舉辦的「1210讓生命不再逝去,為婚姻平權站出來」音樂會。雖然我們身在海外無法親自到場,不過我們今天在舊金山跨海響應。
身處在這個有豐富同志運動歷史的舊金山,就不得不提到 Harvey Milk。他是第一位在美國加州由民選出身的同志政治家。今天,我們聚集在紀念Harvey Milk的地方,表達聲援。聲援所有受到壓迫、無法享有婚姻保障、遭受不平等對待的同志朋友們。同時,我們也嚴厲譴責在台灣惡意散佈謠言與恐慌的一些激進教派。今天我們站出來,是為了表達我們的支持,以及我們有多麼愛我們的家人、朋友、同事、陌生人,無論他們的信仰或性向為何。我們呼籲立法委員們,修正民法972條,拒絕另立專法。也呼籲蔡英文政府及執政黨,不要忘了選舉前,婚姻平權的承諾。讓台灣的同志能夠享有和異性戀一樣的基本權利,也讓台灣成為亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法化的國家。
We demand Taiwan’s new government to fulfill Tsai’s campaign promise on marriage equality, and reject any discriminative compromise on legalization of same-sax marriage.
Behind us was the long way in Taiwan’s human rights, paved with blood, toil, tears and sweat: The decease of Yeh Yung-chih, an adorable boy heavily bullied at school, inspired national sex education programs that cherish differences instead of stereotypes. The murder of Peng Wan-ru, a distingushed women’s rights proponent, pressured our congress to pass Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act. And we must not forget numerous crusaders for free speech and democracy. Once considered unachievable, these rights has become cornerstones of our civilization.
The time has come for marriage equality. The recent tragedy of Jacques Picoux (畢安生) reignited calls for same-sex marriage. Despite multi-partisan support of amendment to the Civil Code, several anti-LGBTQ religious groups have been protesting against it. While spreading hatred, fears, lies, fake news and rumors, they attempts to undermine the legislation by requesting a referendum and proposing a "separate but equal" civil union law. Sixteen hours before, two hundred thousand people attended the concert "1210 Stand out for Marriage Equality" outside of the Taiwan’s Presidential Office. We hear their message that "Love Trumps Hate." Now we are echoing back from the other side of the Ocean.
This place is named after Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay elected politician California. We stand here to support our LGBTQ friends, and condemn the bigotry and lies forged by homophobic groups. We stand here to show our love for our family, our friends, our coworkers, and the strangers, regardless of their faith and sexuality. We urge the legislators to fulfill marriage equality by amending the Article 972 of Civil Code, and reject any discriminative alternatives. And we want to remind Tsai Ing-wen’s government and the ruling party: Do not forget your campaign promise. Let Taiwan become the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage.
Behind us was the long way in Taiwan’s human rights, paved with blood, toil, tears and sweat: The decease of Yeh Yung-chih, an adorable boy heavily bullied at school, inspired national sex education programs that cherish differences instead of stereotypes. The murder of Peng Wan-ru, a distingushed women’s rights proponent, pressured our congress to pass Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act. And we must not forget numerous crusaders for free speech and democracy. Once considered unachievable, these rights has become cornerstones of our civilization. Now it is time to add marriage equality.
最後,我們在這裡想分享2015年底美國聯邦最高法院,在通過同性婚姻合法時,大法官Anthony Kennedy的判詞一文:
“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodi es a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.”
After the election, civic groups held the 14th annual LGBTQ Pride parade, which is the largest in Asia, in October, and the issue of legalization of same-sex marriage has entered the agenda of the Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee in the Congress. As a result, the two largest parties in the Congress, DPP and KMT, along with the third largest party, NPP, have introduced the bill to amend the Civil Code, aiming for legalizing same-sex marriage.
The rights we enjoy today were unimaginable in the past. The marriage equality today is not much different than the rights we demanded in the past.
We are gathered here at Harvey Milk Plaza today to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community in Taiwan. We call upon the legislators in Taiwan to legalize same-sex marriage by amending Article 972 of the Civil Code, which currently only recognizes heterosexual marriage. As Taiwanese and Taiwan supporters abroad, though we are unable to join the movement in Taiwan personally, we stand here to show our support for marriage equality in Taiwan.
We condemn the bigotry and lies that homophobic groups in Taiwan have been spewing. We stand here to support and celebrate love. We also demand that the Tsai Government do more to advance LGBTQ rights and legalize same-sex marriage, as President Tsai clearly promised during her presidential election campaign. Let’s stand together and with our actions to help make Taiwan the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in Asia.
Hello - 我們在活動當天會徵求願意上台發表心得或故事的人。比如,為什麼支持婚姻平權、對自己或是身邊的人有什麼影響。也歡迎簡單幾句話幫大家打氣。如果願意公開講話的人,可以先準備。歡迎在活動介面或是私下傳訊息給我討論。謝謝!
Hi folks - we are looking for people to share their opinions or personal stories during the rally. For example, you can talk about why you support marriage equality, or how it affects you or the people around you. A few sentences to boost our morale are also welcome. If you plan to speak, you can prepare for the talking points ahead of time. Feel free to ask questions on the event page or message us. Thanks!
婚姻平權 亞洲第一
我在(城市) 支持修法
LGBT we demand equality
hey hey ho ho Homophobia got to go
相挺為平權 全民撐同志
婚姻平權 基本人權
婚姻家庭 讓愛決定
打破歧視 就從修法開始
民進黨踹共 別當護家盟
專法就是歧視 平權要修民法
婚姻平權 全民守護
我要真平等 不要立專法
Same Struggle, Same Fight!
We Demand Equality!
2:00pm-2:30pm 集合、拍照
2:30pm-3:00pm 聲明、口號
3:00pm-3:30pm 公開講話
letter to Human Rights Campaign overseas support for Taiwan same sex marriage