第三次視覺化分享會 (5/29) - 筆記

分享會專用 hackpad


The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity / George A. Miller

講者: Kimi

原文: http://www.psych.utoronto.ca/users/peterson/psy430s2001/Miller%20GA%20Magical%20Seven%20Psych%20Review%201955.pdf

哈佛教授 G.A. MILLER

信息測量 - 1bit ( 是或否 )

音符超過七個的時候不容易記,但只有兩三個就相對簡單了 ( 播放 mary has a little lamb 中 )






D3: Data-Driven Documents, by Mike Bostock

講者: Muyueh

原文: http://vis.stanford.edu/files/2011-D3-InfoVis.pdf

Data Driven Document

or what makes d3.js great

Level of abstraction



  1. Efficiency: human effort required to specify a vis
  2. Expressiveness: diversity of visualizations
  1. Accessibility: difficulty of learning the representation (due to internal structure)

key goals for d3.js

  1. Compatibility: works with other system (CSS), evolves with standard, native expressiveness
  2. Debugging: vs. encapsulation of control 
  3. Performance: avoid redundant computation by letting dev. controls transition 

What is d3.js

  1. Data Driven DOM manipulation (Like jQuery)
  2. add/remove elements 
  3. high-level helper ( helper function (format, d3.csv), and hopefully stats model as in R)

Difference between d3.js and Protovis

  1. implicit or explicit transformation 
  1. deferred or immediate evaluation 
  1. access to a native representation 

Useful Junk? The Effects of Visual Embellishment on Comprehension and Memorability of Charts / Scott Bateman

講者: Kirby

原文: http://hci.usask.ca/uploads/173-pap0297-bateman.pdf

The Structure of the Information Visualization Design Space, by Stuart K. Card

講者: Summit

原文: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~tmm/courses/old533/readings/card96structure.pdf