今日看到 Judge Andrew P. Napolitano 的文章 What if the Constitution No Longer Applied?
這篇文章裏頭針對「民主」、「自由」、「人權」所提出的質問,幾乎都可以拿來翻譯成中文,丟給臺灣人去自省,讓臺灣人練習自己去思考想要的民主自由是長什麼樣子的,同時對比目前臺灣實際情況。但因我不是專業譯者,要我一個人翻譯全部,頭痛血壓高、速度又慢,所以想丟出來「大家一起來翻譯」這樣。已經編號,如果我沒老眼昏花,一共 47 個題目。
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- 1. What if the whole purpose of the Constitution was to limit the government? 你知道憲法原本就是用來限制政府的嗎?
- 2. What if Congress’ enumerated powers in the Constitution no longer limited Congress, but were actually used as justification to extend Congress’ authority over every realm of human life? 如果憲法列舉的國會權責不再約束國會,而是被用來替國會對人民無限上綱的權力背書呢?
- 3. What if the president, meant to be an equal to Congress, has become a democratically elected, term-limited monarch? 如果一個權力本應與國會一樣大的總統,如今卻成了一位由民主選舉產生的、任期有限的皇帝呢?
- 4. What if the president assumed everything he did was legal, just because he’s the president? 如果總統只因為他是總統,就認為他的所做所為都是合法的呢?
- 5. What if he could interrupt your regularly scheduled radio and TV programming for a special message from him? 如果他可以干涉你平日收聽的電台和電視節目,用來播放他個人的意見呢?
- 6. What if he could declare war on his own? 如果他自己一個人就可以決定對外宣戰呢?
- 7. What if he could read your emails and texts without a search warrant? 如果他可以沒有搜查令就看你的電子郵件和簡訊呢?
- 8. What if he could kill you without warning? 如果他能在毫無預警的情況下殺了你呢?
- 9. What if the rights and principles guaranteed in the Constitution have been so distorted in the past 200 years as to be unrecognizable by the Founders? 如果104年前制定的憲法所保障的權力和原則已被扭曲得面目全非?(如果憲法所保障的人民權利被惡意曲解,被抹黑,甚至被無視的話,你怎麼想?)
- 10. What if the states were mere provinces of a totally nationalized and fully centralized government? 如果由人民票選出的村里鄰長乃至於縣市長,都只是聽命於中央政府的傀儡呢?
- 11. What if the Constitution was amended stealthily, not by constitutional amendments duly passed by the states, but by the constant and persistent expansion of the federal government’s role in our lives? 如果憲法的修訂不再是經由各州的憲法修正案,而是被聯邦政府蠶食鯨吞,將整部憲法偷天換日?
- 12. What if the federal government decided whether its own powers were proper and constitutional? 如果政府可以自己認定它的權力適不適當與合不合憲法呢?
- 13. What if you needed a license from the government to speak, to assemble or to protest the government? 如果你需要政府的許可才能發表言論、集會或抗議政府呢?
- 14. What if the right to keep and bear arms only applied to the government?
- 15. What if posse comitatus — the law that prohibits our military from our streets — were no longer in effect? 如果有什麼地方保安隊 - 禁止我軍從我們的街道法律 - 不再有效嗎?
- 16. What if the government considered the military an adequate dispenser of domestic law enforcement? 如果政府把(原本用來抵禦外侮的)軍隊當成在國內執法的工具呢?
- 17. What if cops looked and acted like troops and you couldn’t distinguish the military from the police? 如果橫看豎看警察的表現都像軍隊,讓你根本無從區分警方跟軍隊的差異呢?
- 18. What if federal agents could write their own search warrants in defiance of the Constitution? 如果特工可以蔑視憲法自己出搜查令呢?
- 19. What if the government could decide when you weren’t entitled to a jury trial? 如果政府可在你未任命陪審團時進行審判呢?
- 20. What if the government could take your property whenever it wanted it? 如果只要政府想要,就可以隨時侵吞你的財產呢?
- 21. What if the government could continue prosecuting you until it got the verdict it wanted? 如果政府可以不斷起訴你,直到它得到它想要的判決才罷休呢?
- 22. What if the government could force you to testify against yourself simply by labeling you a domestic terrorist? 如果政府可以藉由將你貼上「恐怖份子」的標籤,就陷你入罪呢?
- 23. What if the government could torture you until you said what the government wanted to hear? 如果政府可以刑求你,直到你說出政府想聽到的話?
- 24. What if people running for president actually supported torture? 如果總統候選人曾表態支持刑求呢?
- 25. What if the government tortured your children to get to you? 如果政府為了逮到你,可以刑求你的孩子?
- 26. What if the government could send you to your death and your innocence meant nothing so long as the government’s procedures were followed? 如果有政府可以無視於你的清白、依法行政謝謝指教取你小命,你要怎麼辦呢?
- 27. What if America’s prison population, the largest in the world, was the result of a cruel and unusual way for a country to be free?
- 或是「如果國家可以用捍衛自由民主做理由,用不正當的手段讓許多人進監獄呢?」
- 28. What if half the prison population never harmed anyone but themselves? 如果在監獄裏頭一半的人除了傷害自己以外,從來沒有傷害過任何人呢?
- 29. What if the people had no rights except those the government chose to let them have?
- 30. What if the states had no rights except to do as the federal government commanded? 如果各縣市只能遵從中央政府的指示行事而沒有任何權限?
- 31. What if our elected officials didn’t really live among us, but all instead had their hearts and their homes in Washington, D.C.? 如果我們的民選官員/代議士們並沒有真正與我們站在一起,而是全心遵從執政黨的意志,那我們怎麼辦?
- 32. What if the government could strip you of your rights because of where your mother was when you were born? 如果政府可以因為你的族裔,就剝奪你權利呢?
- 33. What if the income tax was unconstitutional? 如果所得稅其實是違憲的呢?
- 34. What if the states were convinced to give up their representation in Congress? 如果議員放棄他們在國會中對人民的代表性,讓黨/主席意高於民意呢?
- 35. What if the government tried to ban you from using a substance older than the government itself? 如果政府試圖禁止你使用一種早於政府本身的物質?
- 36. What if voting didn’t mean anything anymore because both political parties stand for Big Government? 如果因為每個政黨都追求執政後絕對的權力,導致投什麼人都不再有任何意義呢?
- 37. What if the government could write any law, regulate any behavior and tax any event, the Constitution be damned? 如果政府可以任意制定法律、規範一切行為、隨意對日常活動抽稅,視憲法於無物呢?
- 38. What if the government was the reason we don’t have a Constitution anymore? 如果政府是我們不再具有憲法的原因?
- 39. What if you could love your country but hate what the government has done to it? 如果你愛你的國家,但卻痛恨政府對這個國家的所作所為呢?
- 40. What if sometimes to love your country, you had to alter or abolish the government? 如果為了愛你的國家,你有時不得不改變或甚至廢除政府呢?
- 41. What if Jefferson was right? 萬一(此處可以代入任何人的名字)是對的呢?
- 42. What if that government is best which governs least? 如果管得最少的政府才是最好的政府呢?
- 43. What if I’m right? 萬一我是對的呢?
- 44. What if the government is wrong? 萬一錯的是政府呢?
- 45. What if it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong?
- 46. What if it is better to perish fighting for freedom than to live as a slave?
如果它是更好地滅亡爭取自由,而不是生活的奴隸? 與其奴隸般地活著,如果拼死爭取自由是更好的選擇呢?
- 47. What if freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now? 萬一現在就是自由陷入最大危機的時刻呢?
_______________ END OF JUDGE ANDREW P. NAPOLITANOs’ POST________________