
Support Taiwan’s Marriage Equality Bill

(English version see below)


[1] 婚姻平權闢謠事務所



婚姻平權 亞洲第一 

我在『阿姆斯特丹』 支持修法

LGBT we demand equality

hey hey ho ho Homophobia got to go

相挺為平權  全民撐同志

婚姻平權 基本人權

婚姻家庭 讓愛決定

打破歧視 就從修法開始

民進黨踹共 別當護家盟

專法就是歧視 平權要修民法

婚姻平權 全民守護

我要真平等 不要立專法

Same Struggle, Same Fight!

We Demand Equality!



Support amendment of the Civil Code.

Amendment of Article 972 in the Civil Code is the most direct and effective legislative measure. It provides equal protections of the basic civil rights of homosexual couples, and does not undermine the current marriage system for heterosexual couples at all.



Refuse the legislation of a "Separate but equal" law. Separation is not equal.

Special laws often grant protection to specific groups who need extra welfare to achieve a genuine equality, such as the disables, the aboriginal people, and children. However, a special civic union law for same-sex marriage is to prevent them from applying to the existing legal system for marriage, and to give them lower levels of rights. This is undoubtedly worsening the situations for LGBTQ people, not improving at all.



Urge the parties to follow the partisan resolution, and do not delay the legalizing process.

We urge the parties in the Legislature follow the resolution signed by every parties in the committee that all of the amendment bills must be reviewed before the end of this session.



Urge political parties to take the responsibility for reforms and to promote human rights

We urge Taiwan’s parties to be responsible for reforms for human rights, especially same-sex marriage issue, instead of shirking it. Taiwan needs progressive parties that keeps the promises of defending human rights, not parties that compromises all the time to the old and conservative generations.

法律不該為偏見服務。身在海外的我們,也會和島內的朋友們持續走到實現婚姻平權的那一天。All Rights for All,我們在世界各地,支持修正民法,力挺婚姻平權!

The law cannot tolerate nor serve for prejudices. We, overseas Taiwanese, will stand in solidarity with people in Taiwan until the realization of marriage equality. All Rights for All! We are supporting the amendment of the Civil Code and upholding marriage equality, from all over the world.


  • A path the Netherlands has paved 15 years ago 
  • Today is Human Rights Day. Tens of thousands of Taiwanese are now taking to the streets in the front of the Presidential Office to demand marriage equality. Overseas Taiwanese are organizing world wide assembly in more than 40 cities across 11 countries to support same-sex marriage. Yesterday Taiwanese gathered in Den Haag and Tilburg, and now there will be another one in Amsterdam.

    There is so many common experiences both the Netherlands and Taiwan can share with the each other. Historically, the island of Taiwan was first colonized by the Dutch in the 17th century, followed by an influx of Han Chinese who then became the dominant ethnic group. Now, the Netherlands has a similar population, land area and geopolitical position as does Taiwan. We are both small export-oriented countries, having prosperous ICT and flower industries, and we are both proud of being the world’s cycling leaders. The most important of all, we both cherish freedom, human rights,  and rule of law. There is just so much for Taiwan to learn from and share with the Netherlands as a small but prosperous nation sandwiched by regional powers.

    And perhaps now we can add another linkage between Taiwan and the Netherlands. Taiwan could become the first nation in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, just as the Netherlands did 15 years ago to enlighten Europe and the world that we should respect LGBT identity, protect their dignity and recognize their relationship. And we should acknowledge a self-evident truth that marriage is about love, not gender.

    Taiwan has been named by the US president Obama as a model of flourishing Asian democracy, and we can further make Taiwan stands out as beacon and hope for Asia’s LGBT. LGBT deserves dignity and rights just as other human beings enjoy.  And that’s why are are here in Amsterdam to appreciate the path Dutch has paved for us and to show our support for marriage equality in Taiwan. We hope there will soon be one more comforting breakthrough that Taiwan can share with the Netherlands.



    1. 12/9新聞曝光,聲援12/10台灣遊行。

    2. 持續爭取各地人權/性別團體支持,將成果匯集後連同連署名單、各地照片與影音,於12/19-23當週寄送至立委辦公室。

    3. 各地人權/性別團體支持的成果,12/19-23當週可再進行一次媒體曝光。

    4. 若戰線要拉長到明年四月,可以考慮與國內NGO協作,看有什麼我們海外能持續的部分。
