20180606 vTaiwan小黑客松
時間:2018-06-06 週三 19:30-21:30
地點:社會創新實驗中心 2F A9 會議室(地圖:https://goo.gl/maps/X65uN9PFXAo)
出席:Samson, Jodi, 子魚, au, peace, yitzu, Juliette
請假區:NYC team
Wifi: PDIS_Public_5G/ji394pdis
20180530 vTaiwan
19:00-19:30 報到
19:30-20:00 開場、自我介紹、sync公部門進度、當週提案說明、現場提案
20:00-21:00 討論&hacking
21:00-21:30 成果分享&決定下週主持人
- 《糾纏行為防制法》已出委員會
- 《數位通訊傳播法》已出委員會(毋需協商)
提案區 & 會議記錄合體(請提案人自行補充詳情)
Samson & Jodi interviewing Lisa about vTaiwan
- Q: What are the more memorable discussions recently?
- Agenda was tacit, now made more explicit on g0v hackpad before each mini-hackathon, so interested folks can discover it independently
- A few weeks ago several experts were invited on the "data integration" case, and they invited more people in a snowballing fashion, which clarified the topic a lot.
- The main focus is transparency and making people feel welcome.
- Q: Where is the Company Act now?
- Awaiting for the second and third reading in the special session next month.