R0 中翻英


(R0) My Covered Life in Journalism/Kirby Wu



infographics.tw 與 g0v 共同發起人,亦為資料視覺化領域與網頁技術專家。曾擔任 Google Taiwan DigiCamp 2014 技術顧問以及籌辦 2015 年資料新聞實戰營 ( dBootcamp Taipei ),並曾受邀至台大、交大、世新、政大、輔大、文化等大學之新聞與傳播相關課程演講及授課。

English Translation:



Kirby is the co-founder of infographics.tw and g0v, an expert in data visualization and web technologies. He was a technical adviser at the Google Taiwan DigiCamp in 2014, and the organizer of the dBootcamp Taipei in 2015. He has been a guest speaker and lecturer on journalism and mass communication in several universities, including NTU,  NCTU, SHU, NCCU, FJU, and PCCU.

(R0) Campaigning Experiences of a Geek/Walkingice


在 318 大力刺激公民政治意識之後,同年的地方選舉出現大量的素人參選,其中一位就是講者的國中好友。雖然只是選小小的鎮民代表,街頭的人情冷暖也是會完整嚐一遍。



網路上常用名稱為 Walkingice (走冰),自由軟體愛好者,職業為前端軟體工程師。自 2012 年開始參與 g0v 活動,主要貢獻到國會相關的專案。

English Translation:


After the exciting stimulation of the 318 movement, many citizens of Taiwan developed a political consciousness. In the same year, many “political freshmen" devoted themselves into the local elections around the island, a friend of the speaker was one of them. Though it was a small election for a seat in the town’s council, one would fully experience the warmth and coldness of campaigning in the streets.

I would like to share with you the campaigning experience of a techno-otaku, away from keyboard, into the three-dimensional world. In a town election, despite all the limitations, there were still places to which me and the team could apply technology. Through this sharing session, I hope to encourage more people like me to get their hands dirty in politics.


My alias is Walkingice. I love Free Software. I work as a front-end developer. Involved with g0v since 2012, contributing mainly to projects related to the Congress of Taiwan.

(R0) Netizen and Self-Organized Movement: A Case Study with Boycott Mapping/Jim Horng


抵抗黑心行動之一的滅頂秒退在 2015 年底到 2016 年初約熱了一個月時間,引發許多層次的討論。支持方的行動雖然一開始遍地開花,但似乎遇到輿論、成效、進度等阻力而漸式微,其中秒退地圖是想解決成效與進度透明化的部分,同時帶點組織化前置的概念。以結果論可能不算成功,但其過程包含網路推廣,早期使用者偕同設計,facebook 微組織合作,從中激發更多優化無組織社運的想法,這些便是作者想要分享的。


在台灣軟體業已有約 10 年經驗,自認角色為工程師、社會議題微參與者、open source微貢獻者

English Translation:

(R0) "Blupa" Metrics and Case Studies for Interdisciplinarity: the Mystery of Openness and Interdisplinary in g0v/Ipa Chiu&ETBlue


g0v 社群一開始便吸引跨界專業的參與,也持續與其他團體跨界交流。秉持社群文化的開源人與 ngo / gov 的合作越來越緊密,不再只是當顧問、或分享成果,更多實際親身加入傳統組織,進行更深層協作的實例。

但對更多團體來說,如何與猶如變形蟲的開放非組織 g0v 協作,仍是一個謎;對習慣開放的開源社群人而言,與傳統團體合作也需要轉換邏輯。本 talk 由兩位 g0v 參與者設計的 「Blupa 量表:g0v 跨界量表」,由淺到深拉出各類合作型態光譜,檢視各種協作的火花、眉角、悲喜劇。

前半由 ipa 從開源社群與傳統團體文化差異談起,探討開源非組織的「沒有人」的 “release early, release often”、“fork & merge” 等開放黑客文化對傳統團體的衝擊,以及為何/如何與傳統組織協作。後半由 ETBlue 分享實際案例,使用 Blupa 量表來分析個人在憲動盟、OCF 蹲點經驗。期待拋磚給想讓手上專案加速的 NGO / GOV 成員以及希望手上專案接地氣的 g0ver / 開源人,讓開源的、開放的黑客版社會參與越來越不謎。


ipa 瞿筱葳- g0v 沒有人- 文字/影像工作者- 反黑箱服貿行動參與者- 憲餅廚房共同發起人 關鍵字:社運、媒體、紀錄片

紀錄片工作者/作家,同時是 g0v 零時政府社群共同發起人,近年關注開源文化與數位公民參與,推廣跨界開源協作模式。


藍一婷 ETBlue- g0v 動民主專案參與者- 反黑箱服貿行動參與者- 公民憲政動推動聯盟工具人- 開放文化基金會工具人關鍵字:插畫、UI、前端

在 g0v 自稱插畫家,在 NGO 自稱工程師,到傳產當 UI designer,實際上做 PM 活。現職:設計大師學徒。

English Translation:


From the very beginning, g0v has attracted people from all disciplines and professions, we at g0v have also fostered many connections, exchanging knowledge and experience with other organizations. Guided by our firm belief in the God of Light of Open Source , our collaboration with NGOs and the government has grown beyond consultation or sharing. g0v-ers are taking part in traditional organizational hierarchies, experimenting with collaboration in a deeper, more personal way.

For many organizations, it is still a mystery of the proper ways to collaborate with an amoeba-like “non-org" such as g0v. For those of us who’s very used to working in an open source fashion, working with top-down structures takes a shift of mindset as well. This talk will introduce the “Blupa Scale of g0v for Interdisciplinarity,” which expands into a spectrum of different modes of cooperation and collaboration, allowing us to examine the fireworks, drama, and the hidden details of “people working together."

In the first half of the talk, ipa will talk about the philosophy and the impact of hacker culture such as “nobody,” “release early, release often,” “fork & merge” against the culture of traditional organizations, explaining why and how do two models work together. In the second half, ETBlue will share and self-analyze their experience at the Civil Movement for Constitutional Reform and Open Culture Foundation. We hope to build more bridges between NGO/government and g0v/open source workers, and work together towards a open, hacking-inspired society.


ipa, Hsiao-wei Chiu, nobody at g0v, creator of language and imagery, participant to the Anti-Service Agreement movement, co-founder of the Constitution Kitchen. Keywords: activism, media, documentary.

ETBlue, I-Ting Lan, contributor to don-democracy at g0v, participant to the Anti-Service Agreement movement, toolbox person at the Civil Movement for Constitutional Reform and Open Culture Foundation. Keywords: illustration, UI, front-end.

(R0) From g0v to gov - 400 Days in the Ministry of Health and Welfare


叩叩叩,你知道 gov 怎麼看 g0v 嗎?

當公務員第一次使用 hackfoldr,他們說的第一句話竟然是......?

 參加完 g0v 大松,我的公務員同事這樣跟我說:(消音)......?

潛入衛福部 400 天的第一手辛辣觀察,邀請大家一起了解 gov 撞上 g0v 爆發的小宇宙~~~


病後人生一站式服務網站長,2015年3月起在衛福部Gap Year。

English Translation:


“Knock, knock." “Who’s there?” “A gov-er looking at g0v.”

Do you know what was the first response after a gov-er used hackfoldr?

Do you know what my gov colleague said to me after participating in a g0v hackathon?

First-hand, juicy observation from my undercover life for 400 days in the Ministry of Health and Welfare. A spectacular view of galactic collision between gov and g0v.


Site administrator of After That Day, an aggregator site for information after diagnosis. Taking a gap year in the Ministry of Health and Welfare since March 2015.

(R0) The Continuation of the g0v budget visualization - Taipei City Government


分享 2015 年臺北市資訊局與民間社群合作的經驗,運用原 2012 年 g0v 預算視覺化模組,更新後推出臺北市的版本。此案例在當時引起不小迴響,同時擴散至其他縣市。此演講中將分享行政體制的改變、公私協力的契機、技術部分的執行及後續造成地方政府的影響等。


彭盛韶 Saul Peng





English Translation:


In 2015, The Department of Information Technology of the Taipei City Government worked with civil society and published the Taipei-City budget visualization tool adapted from the g0v 2012 version. The success of this work attracted significant attention and stimulated similar cooperation in other cities. We will share the stories of the evolution of the administrative system, the cooperation between the government and civil society, the implementation of technologies, and their influences on the local governments.


Saul Peng

Tonyq Wang

(R0) Government x Civil Society x Internet x Deliberation Observations and Reflections of a Mediator




English Translation:

Starting as a moderator for Deliberation by Youth since 2005, she has been personally participating and assisting many academic groups to execute government research projects related to deliberative democracy. She conducts internal empowering workshops for civil societies and helps creating procedural narratives for similar activities. She has been a consultant for many government agencies for her experience and knowledge on conceptualizing viable projects involving civic participation, practical know-hows of deliberative democracy, and designing operational guidelines for related projects including structure building, grassroots empowering, and customization.

(I’m not sure if you really want this last sentence to be translated. If I were you, I would think carefully about how to finish this sentence.)

(R0) Voter's Guide for Legislators and Council Members






English Translation:

In both the local councils election of 2014 and the congressional election of 2016, there were 400-500k active users on Voter’s Guide during the month before the elections.

The principle idea of Voter’s Guide is to make information accessible to votes so uninformed votes can be reduced and democratic participation and critical literacy in Taiwan can progress forward. Are we on the right track?

(R0) Congress Matters. Does it? / clkao


國會大代誌從 2012 g0v 發起,和多個國會相關專案互相串接資料。在此同時,立法院開始有 Open Data、而 2016 年國會第一次政黨輪替,迎接全新的民意,政黨協商也將要有錄影紀錄。更為透明的國會,似乎令人放心了?



clkao (高嘉良) - 喜歡寫程式、泡 ♨。參加 1997 年國際資訊奧林匹亞後,進入台大資訊系就讀,即活躍於國內外開放源碼社群,隨後旅居英國倫敦從事軟體開發及顧問工作。2012 年發起 g0v 計畫。

English Translation:

The "Congress Matters" site was started in 2012 as one of the earliest g0v projects, providing and linking data with various congress related projects.  Meanwhile the Legislature started to publish Open Data, and the 2016 general election induced the power change for the first time.  The new congress is committed for more transparency.  So everything is fine now?

This talk will review the status of congress data, comparisons between international congress monitoring projects, as well as the next steps for future supervision.