Meeting Agenda
- Before you come to the meeting, please
- add all your thoughts on the HackPad and supporting resources (if you need)
- Think about the problems on 1. the agenda and 2. the proposal
- Time and Venue:
- 4/11/2014 6 pm NTU Library
- Goal:
- Set up our common goal
- confirm our plan
- 功能:
- proposal
- vote
- 時間:時間越長,顏色需要相應變化
- outdate
- 有新議題要怎麼辦?
- search function
- 加一個filter
- 可搜尋title, mandatory tag, user define tag
- discuss the content of the slides
- the problem to be solved
- target user
- core usage, most distinctive characteristic of our website
- 3 related website, and what is the advantage of our website.
- tasks to be delegated
- visualization 能不能劃出不規則地圖
- visualization