2015/10/04 新科技新民主 | OCF 開放文化基金會國際交流計畫
- New Technologies and New Democracy | Open Culture Foundation - International Exchange Project
時間:2015/10/4 (日) 13:00
地點:臺大法律霖澤館—1301多媒體教室(3 樓)
- Location: College of Law, National Taiwan University Room 1301, 3F
主辦:OCF 開放文化基金會
- hosted by Open Culture Foundation
支援:g0v 社群國際交流團、公民國會監督聯盟
- supported by the g0v community on international exchange, and the Citizen Congress Watch Taiwan.
Agenda / 議程
13:00 - 13:30
報到 / Registration
13:30 - 13:40 - clkao
開場 / Opening
13:40 - 14:20 - Andrew Mandelbaum
主題演講:新科技新民主 / New technogolies and new Democracy
14:20 - 15:00 - 羅佩琪 / Peggy Lo
主題演講:網路x溝通 -- 從民間到政府 / Internet x dialogue - from the civil society to the government
15:00 - 15:30
下午茶與交流 / Tea Break
15:30 - 16:30
閃電講 / Lightning talks
- New Democracy Around the World: Finland, Morocco, UK
「開放國會宣言」共有全球 76 個國家的國會監督團體共同簽署,要求代議制度以及議事進行更為透明,其背後的推手正是 Andrew Mandelbaum。他過去曾擔任美國民主基金會的研究員,非常了解國際在使用新科技於民主上的各種嘗試與趨勢,例如:
- 芬蘭的開放立法實驗,號召網路公民在三階段的實驗中,產出法條草案,最後送交國會立法;
- 摩洛哥在阿拉伯之春後,2011年公民意識的抬頭,群眾上街要求憲法改革縮減國王權力,最終在公投的結果上展現出選民的意志,進而成功和平修憲,再落實到今年刑法的修訂上;
- 英國內閣採用開放標準文件格式,如何渡過從特定格式到開放標準的過程,讓公部門降低對大公司產品的依賴。
經歷過許多新科技的民主實驗,Andrew 對於其中的挑戰與秘訣,都能如數家珍、一一道來。
- Andrew Mandelbaum is the key advocate behind The Declaration on Parliamentary Openness — signed by parliamentary monitoring organizations (PMOs) across 76 countries, it calls for increasing transparency on representative democracy and its progress. As a former researcher in National Democratic Institute (NDI), he is well familiar with different approaches and trends on bringing new technologies and democracy together across countries, such as:
- - The Open Legislation experiment of Finland, where netizens produced bill proposals in a 3-step experiment before handing over to the Congress.
- - The rise of civil rights awareness of Morocco after Arab Spring in 2011, where crowds gathered on streets, demanding constitutional reformation on restricting the king’s power. The referendum result reflected the electors’ will at last, followed by peaceful constitution reformation and the revision of criminal code this year.
- - How the United Kingdom Cabinet adopts open standards and Open Document Format (ODF), while dealing with the transition from proprietary format, to decrease public sectors’ dependency on mega-company products.
講者:Andrew Mandelbaum
Simsim- Participation 共同創辦人
- Cofounder, SimSim-Participation Citoyenne
Andrew 是監督國會及加強國會運作能力的領域性專家,過去曾在華盛頓總部的National Democratic Institute (NDI)工作過,並在期間內管理一監督國會網站 OpeningParliament.org,在此網站內進行有效率的監督,目前已經被全世界超過90個國會及監督國會組織認可。現在也身為世界銀行(World Bank), National Democratic Institute(NDI) , US Agency for International Development 和其他組織的顧問。Andrew 目前發起數個與開放國會使得公民得以參與及國會參與性的工作。
- 180 days in Ministry of Health and Welfare: Blood and tears on netizen communication
[講者強調] 這場分享你應該聽不到成功經驗,但絕對可以聽到在公務體系中,夾在民眾與政府機器間,公務員對於進步的渴望,以及到底絆住他們的是什麼樣的困境。
- Imagine a bill opposed by over 10,000 individuals on the Internet, right before its second reading — how do you start the dialogue, with each netizen voicing their own gripes? How to raise awareness on a bill not yet drafted, where possibilities are big, but public interests are lukewarm?
- Freshly joined the administrative branch this March, Peggy Luo will share her observations and thoughts throughout the 180 days in Ministry of Health and Welfare, based on her experiences on Medical Disputes and Incident Compensation Act and Long-term Care Dual Act (Long-term Care Service Act and Long-term Care Insurance Act).
- [Speaker emphasizes] You might not hear successful experiences in this session, but the voices of civil servants — stuck between the government and the people, their desire to make progress, and the plight preventing them from do so — is guaranteed to feature in this talk.
講者:羅佩琪 / Peggy Lo
衛生福利部 / Ministry of Health and Welfare
- Peggy Luo is the sitemaster of After That Day, a one-stop post-treatment information site. Occasionally joined public sector, she is trying her best to become the jelly translator between the government and the society.
clkao: Opening
想分享 open data / open gov 或政府血淚,可以跟報到櫃臺頭閃電講
今天的 talk,andrew會分享四個國際案例,可能議會用什麼方式做決策。他之前在美國民主基金會工作,蠻多國家國會監督共同簽署一份宣言,怎樣才較開放國會,幕後推手勢他。我們活動有一個外國講者,歡迎他來到未來,剛才提到的議會開放宣言有在...線上二三十人一起翻譯然後放到中文版本裡面。
另一個講者peggy蠻有名的,做病後人生網站後紅了,去政府單位演講後來被吸收,負責網路溝通的事情,今年政府花時間跟網民溝通有不錯的常識,今天分享血淚。溝通跟新科技有什麼關係?使用fb對政府就是新科技 XD
系列活動是OCF國際交流計畫進行,今年半了蠻多跟外館,AIT英國法國辦事處合作,今年八月資料科學年會也辦data bootcamp 用資料說故事。這些活動大部分都免費,靠大家支持贊助,歡迎捐款。國際交流今年底還會有計畫,常常接觸國外講者,他們說台灣做很多事情國際上沒人知道,想邊些預算爭搞讓大家寫英文稿件界受OS專案,近期會開始進行。最後廣告 g0v 黑客松 10/24 中研院,報名兩週前的週五。
one more thing 研討會咖啡很難喝,布丁大大怒做咖啡,沒有人要幫你煮咖啡,是不計成本的掛耳包,可以自由拿回去自由捐款,認同請分享。
歡迎 andrew 從摩洛哥來
hi everybody, ....??? there r a lot of process happening... today i am talking about citizen engagement process. my name is AM cofounder of ... in morago? , it’s simsim, in arabic is ??? represents to the alibaba story of open ???. we started 2 yrs ago. our first proj is ?????, the word in arabic means ??? has a double meaning of facebook or???? . the platform allows citizens to ask questions online. they can accept their np?? find more about them, and poll? their question. we help make the process work. we go find their np???? on email and track them down if they get their respond online. ... citizens can vote and share online. here is a sample of what we do. this is a citizen’s question and it’s arabic. who knows arabic here? no? the citizen put their question and the np respond. we have now enabled the citizen and the np to respond either in writing or by video. more things we do now is we have online like google hangout with np, we do youtube live and we came to np’s office... citizen can put their comments
international project: poplus writeit. (couple of people heard poplus) a component mostly developed by mysociety in uk and sci??? an org in ???. they help u if u have an np, ??? if u have transcripts, the application helps u do searching and putting them online. if u have a np profile and u probably want to do that. we use writeit to ... helped sending questions back and forth... that’s what im doing right now.
previously i worked at ??? where i helped establishing ?? network around the world.
Andrew Mandelbaum: Citizen Engagement in the Legislative Process
- [slides] http://www.slideshare.net/agm3dc/open-culture-taiwan-citizen-engagement-presentation
- http://simsim.ma/
- http://consultation.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/openstandards/
- http://edemocracia.camara.gov.br/
- http://wikilegis.labhackercd.net/
- https://github.com/labhackercd/wikilegis/
- http://legislationlab.org/
- http://thegovlab.org/legislation-lab/
- Keys to success
- Incentivizing engagement
- 要讓人願意參與公共決策,得先讓人知道這是實際上會有影響的,像是讓人知道有哪些部門是負責這些意見、有人會回答參與者的問題,或是之後這些真的會被哪個單位執行
- Plan: define objectives, figure out target audiences, how are you going to respond, etc.
- Choose subject wisely. Abortion for example is not a good subject. Things about on-line users are subjects that can get a lot of interests.
- Adopt code of conduct.
- Provide quality background information. Make sure everybody start on a common information.
- Adopt flexible response policy, including offline opportunities.
- Partner with civil society, parliament, universities, etc.
- Provide quality analysis and feedback.
- Be transparent throughout process.
- QA
- whisky: 我一直有個問題是參與的程度。我們說要很多人參與,可是很多人沒有那種背景知識去參與。這樣就變成比較是一種教育而不是參與的型式。
- Andrew: I think it depends on the subject and what type of resources you have. Doing what you can to help people know about it is important and is the challenging part. For example, there is a well-known legislative drafting process in Finland about using off-road vehicle in Northern Finland (Lapland). It means something to people when you discuss this bill because it is something that affects people in their everyday lives. Helping people understand in the layman’s term is important to begin a discussion you’re going to have.
Peggy Lo:
[slides] https://www.slideshare.net/secret/xgL2sSrDfZZmtM
- 「說不清楚」之牆
- 過去溝通都只是出一篇新聞稿,而不是直接回應對方的各點訴求,在醫糾法裡,衛福部開始,針對訴求的各點逐點回應,所有數據都交代原始資料與連結。
- 「所有醫療人員沒錯也要負擔 30%」,原意是「沒做錯也要負擔」但當初會錯意成「沒錯!就是要負擔30%」,所以之後東西出去之前,都要給三個部外的人看過有沒有問題
- 「歷史洪流」之牆
- 為了澄清各項糾紛,想要說明哪些設計是因為哪些研究案來的,但前前後後東西很多說不清楚。
- 用 hackfoldr ,把相關資料、跨時間的新聞稿、研究案全部集中出來
- 「沒人理我」之牆
- 但重點是沒有人會來衛福部找文章阿~~ 每月 100+ 新聞稿,只有 10% 閱讀量超過 1000 次
- 所以東西要上社群網路,原本想說透過私人關係直接把衛福部資訊放上各種新媒體,但因為大家覺得公部門資源已經夠多,想要幫忙的意願不高,所以自己成立粉絲頁
- 「太多人理我」之牆
- 結果開粉絲頁後,留言爆炸...
- 4/30 開粉絲頁,當日有 300 則留言,只要有新貼文,當天 50~100 則留言,量太多,沒有 SOP 處理,當初沒想過要怎麼處理,像是留言在臉書會分散在各篇文章,無法整理整體意見
- 用 hackpad 整理,先把所有留言列出來,附上原始連結,看看是不是有類似意見,可以一起回應,原本都是自己手貼,後來乾脆直接邀鄉民上 hackpad 討論
- [兩階段回應法] 公部門要給一篇回應,可能要經過組織裡的各級單位,就算只到專案小組,也是要兩三天才會有回應,但鄉民不可能等那麼久阿!所以第一階段是小編先迅速回應,跟他說問題已經整理到 hackpad 上,這樣就算回應慢,至少讓人知道是有在處理,等之後有正式回應再上去。
- 「太晚溝通」之牆:報告內容
- 參與者希望的是「希望表達想法、被回應、有實質影響力」,但在醫糾法的例子裡,因為是要進二讀前才開始在網路上溝通,能夠進到二讀的法案,當然有預設、有假設好的資源,這些東西在當時的狀態裡是很難改變的。「有沒有實質影響力」這點,在此案裡不容易辦到。
- 這次要解決「太晚溝通」之牆,所以除了之前做的 hackpad/fb/懶人包外,還做了子法意見徵詢
- hackpad 網友回應 / fb / 懶人包 ,
- 因為是從一開始就有,所以是處在建立資訊,而不是滅火的狀態,所以沒那麼急迫,一週一次回應
- 以前的官方 QA 常常是先有 A(說帖、資料)回推 Q ,有粉絲頁就可知道真的 Q 是什麼啦
- 因為衛福部粉絲頁是之前醫糾法時成立的,參與鄉民有各種脈洛,信任基礎不足,往下討論有困難,所以開了長照專門粉絲頁,討論效果有較好,所以像衛福部這樣的大型組織,適時分眾,有時候是對聚焦討論有幫助的
- 長照九項子法
- 因為是在政策初期就可以開放討論的,當初挑了兩項(長照機構評鑑辦法、外籍家庭看護工補充訓練辦法),在國發會 join 平台開放討論
- 【民眾預設】政府看得到、影響政策的可能性
- 【政府實際】測試風向、姑且聽之
- 但兩者間差距會造成衝突,所以其實一開始就應該說清楚,這些意見的效用和過程是什麼。 ex 幾號開始徵詢、幾號截止、留言會什麼時候、被拿來作什麼, ex 拿來放在公聽會當參考資料,這不只要考慮網友願意參與的程度,也要考慮業務單位可以怎麼使用這些東西,像是單則單則留言,要業務承諾一定要每則都自己分類回應,或是都納入政策考量,而且來的意見品質參差時,是有困難的。
- 後來把各項留言用 sayit.mysociety.org 整理,用文件整理出來,在內部開會時使用
- 這次可以這樣是因為在初期就可以納入民眾參與,所以在內部才比較有空間可以這樣子作。
- 有時候不溝通,不一定是因為公部門是邪惡的,只是因為他們無法想像溝通可以是什麼樣子而已。
- 歡迎大家上網給意見時,給更具體的,或是直接說是上述五牆的哪一個,這可以給內部想要改變狀況的人子彈,因為外部民眾真的是這麼說,而不是我自己小劇場演的。基本上公部門都有人負責公關,所以不是沒有人主責這些事情。
- 造牆之路,它們推了一把
- 甚少以「治理層面」思考網路
- 未建立舊業務減量檢討機制,阻礙新業務導入
- 資訊能力長期外包
- 想,但不知道怎麼跟民間/社群開啟互動
- 橫向、中央-地方的溝通機制缺乏,創新案例被傳播緩慢
- 教育訓練與創新案例的接軌緩慢
- 基礎環境不友善,例如僵化的審計、會計、用人制度