Hi [Atendee],
We’re thrilled to have you in the upcoming g0v Summit 2016! To ensure every speaker has a pleasant stay, we are doing a final check to you accommodations during the event. Please confirm the following details:
[if received]
Please see the above details. If there is anything need to be changed please inform us at <[email protected]> as soon as possible. It could be difficult or impossible for us to compensate for changes to accommodations and itineraries after April 11.
We look forward to seeing you in Taiwan!
Pomin Wu, Program Chief
g0v Summit team
The agenda of g0v summit has been changed and updated on: http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/schedules Please check the date and time of your speech.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
g0v Summit 2016 Team
我們也將會在 summit 舉行前寄出講者行前通知,如果有任何問題歡迎直接回信。
g0v 議程組
Dear [invitee name],
We are pleased to invite you or your colleague to be one of the speakers at the g0v Summit 2016 on May 14-15, 2016 in Taipei, Taiwan. Felipe Heuseer, co-founder and former Director of the Chile-based civic tech organization Ciudadano Inteligente, will be one of our keynote speakers.
g0v is a civic tech community established in late 2012 with deep open-source roots. With 1,000+ contributors through 30+ hackathons, it is recognized as one of the largest group in the global civic tech community. The results are many civic-made tools for better information disclosure, citizen engagement, and online democracy. g0v community is one of the major driving forces for official adoption of better Open Data practices in Taiwan, whose achievement is recognized by OKFN in their 2015 survey.
g0v Summit 2014 had 43 speakers from 9 countries with diverse backgrounds, including Open Data evangelists, public servants, NPO/NGO workers, scholars, and entrepreneurs.
As the global civic tech communities continue to do exciting things to accelerate political changes, we’d like to invite you to share and celebrate some of the small successes, and your stories on what works (and what doesn’t!) We are expecting 750 participants in 2016.
Please contact us at http://goo.gl/forms/hlvQcR7WCm if you or your colleague would like to submit a talk. The deadline of submission is January 20, 2016.
We have limited travel and accommodation budget for our invited speakers. If your travel costs can be covered by your organization or other funding sources, we would be happy to list the funding organization as one of our sponsors.
Further details on speakers and sessions will be announced on http://summit.g0v.tw. Please contact me at <[email protected]> if you have any question regarding the event.
Pomin Wu, Program Chief
g0v Summit 2016 Team
Dear [Speaker],
We are glad to inform you that your talk, [Speech Title], is accepted by g0v Summit 2016.
Please confirm your attendance of the event during May 14-15 in Taipei at your earliest convenience, by replying this email.
We also confirm that your flights between [City] and Taipei (economy class), and 3 nights of accommodations during the event, will be funded by the conference. Details of flight plan will be suggested to you in following communications.
We look for to seeing you in g0v Summit!
Pomin Wu, Program Chief
g0v Summit 2016 team
On behalf of the g0v Summit 2016 Program Committee, I am pleased to let you know that we are thrilled to have you in the event. We will be covering your airfare, and 3 nights of accommodations during the event from May 13 to 15. If you wish us to book additional nights in the same hotel (payable by you at TW$2400 per night), please do let us know as soon as possible and no later than March 15.
We’ll cover up to 15% more than the lowest airfare based on the search [hipmunk URL], which is currently [Estimated flight cost * 115%] . If this does not get you on a reasonable route or layover, please email us with proposed itinerary and quotes. Please note that airfare exceeding the agreed amount, transportation to/from airports and incidental expenses are not covered by the conference.
We will reimburse your airfare with cash in TWD (at the exchange rate on the day we received your electronic receipts) upon your arrival. Please let us know should you wish to arrange an international wire transfer instead.
Please confirm your attendance by completing this form before March 10 and book your flights at your earliest convenience! Note that you may require visa to enter Taiwan, if your country is not on the exemption list. Taiwan visa application fee (50 USD) is also covered by the sponsorship and will be reimbursed along with your airfare. We’ll be happy to assist you if you need an official invitation letter.
We will have a team of interpreters doing live interpretation for your talks. In order for the team to prepare for your session, please kindly send in your slides by May 5th to <[email protected]>
中文 Subject: g0v Summit 2016 已錄取您的投稿
我們很高興通知您,您的投稿「XXX」已經被錄取,我們誠摯地邀請您在今年 g0v Summit 2016 進行一場 30 分鐘的演講。以下資訊請您提供協助大會籌備:
▸ 如果您接受 g0v Summit 2016 的邀請,請在 3/10 之前至此 Google form 填寫回覆講者註冊。逾時我們將視同您放棄講者資格。
▸ 您不需要再報名,可直接報到。大會將會另致贈一組入場票邀請碼給您,歡迎您攜伴參與。(報名網址為:http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/conference,票種為「保留票」)
▸ 雙講者或多位講者,請每位講者都透過上述 Google form 填寫講者註冊。每位講者可各自選擇是否參加講者晚宴,屆時也可分開報到,彼此不受影響。
▸ 部份場次大會將提供中英即時口譯,請於 5/5 前繳交簡報檔案至 <[email protected]>
▸ 我們需要您演講的英文主題與簡介,請寄至 <[email protected]> 或到 github.com/g0v/summit.g0v.tw/ 送 PR
今年我們一共收到來自 17 國超過 70 份稿,議程安排上也有諸多取捨,需要多花一點時間。很抱歉這麼晚才通知您。
如果有任何問題,請您不吝來信 <[email protected]>
g0v Summit 2016 議程組 敬上
英文 Subject:
We are thrilled to inform you that your proposal "XXX" has been accepted by g0v Summit 2016. We invite you to present at the event in a 30 minutes speech. Here are some details:
中文 Subject: g0v Summit 2016 投稿通知
感謝您參與 g0v Summit 2016 的徵稿!今年我們一共收到來自 17 國超過 70 份稿件,各位的熱情投入展現了開放政府社群的蓬勃活力。但我們在時間空間限制下,需要努力取捨,在此必須遺憾地通知您,今年無法將您的投稿排入議程。
我們謹致贈一組 VIP 邀請碼,誠摯邀請您來參與兩天的大會。第二天上午的 【Unconference 開放工作坊】與閉幕前的全場 5 分鐘【閃電秀】,將在大會當天開放報名,也歡迎您分享本次的主題!
如果有任何問題,請您不吝來信 <[email protected]>
g0v Summit 2016 議程組 敬上
英文 Subject: g0v Summit 2016 Proposal Notification
Hi $speaker,
Thank you for submitting this proposal to g0v Summit 2016:
* $title
The response to our Call for Proposals was overwhelming this year. We received over 70 proposals from 17 countries, a record number for us and far more than we can possibly accommodate in the program.
We had intense competition for speaking slots, and we unfortunately have to turn away many strong proposals. We take this as an exciting signal of the thriving civic tech community, but it also means we had some hard decisions to make in putting together the program.
We’re still working out a few loose ends in the program, but unfortunately this proposal was not selected for inclusion. We are really sorry for the delayed notification, as your submission is one of the strongest contenders that we wish to include.
As a thank you for submitting a proposal, we would like to offer you a VIP registration code for the conference. The Unconference in day 2 morning, and the 5 minutes lightning talks before event closing are open for submissions during day 1 of the conference. You are welcomed to submit a proposal to these sessions!
Here is the registration code:
Please register on the conference registration page under the ticket name "Attendee with reserved invite code".
Thanks again for your submission, and we hope to see you in Taiwan!
g0v Summit 2016 team
Letter of Invitation
Dear [Invitee],
On behalf of the co-host of g0v Summit 2016, it is our pleasure to invite you as our Guest Speaker to g0v Summit 2016 held at Academia Sinica from 14 to 15 May 2016. The subject of g0v Summit 2016 focus on how civic tech is building tools for better information disclosure, citizen engagement, and online democracy. We expect your presentation to describe [Info of the speech]. The website of the g0v Summit 2016 is on http://summit.g0v.tw. The tentative agenda will be updated on http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/#/schedules.
g0v Summit 2016 is prepared to cover your expense of transportation from [Coming from] to Taipei and accommodation on 13-15 May, 2015.
It will be our great honor if you could come to g0v Summit 2016 as a Guest Speaker. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
[OCF signature]
英文 [g0v summit 2016] Please provide Voxe.org’s logo and brief intro
Hi Charlotte Richard,
We appreciate Voxe.org sponsors g0v summit 2016 by covering your flights.
And we would like to list Voxe.org as a sponsor on our website.
Please kindly provide the following information to us:
1) Logo file (Logo size: 240 x 120 px, white background preferred)
2) Link
3) English brief description about Voxe.org (Max 200 words)
We would also like to remind you to book your flight! Also please confirm your attendance by completing the Speaker Registration Form before March 10. Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1j0sOnZPXWZYwKBxdgYfP9HweHTDUMBbQL9KQv18U7CM/viewform
Li-Ting Huang, Organizer Committee
g0v Summit 2016 Team
Hi [invitee],
Here is a kind reminder for the confirmation of your attendance to g0v Summit 2016. Please complete this form before March 10 for follow-up arrangements.
Just to remind you that we’ll cover up to 15% more than the lowest airfare based on the search, which is currently 253 USD, and 3 nights of accommodations during the event. If you wish us to book additional nights in the same hotel (payable by you on arrival), please do indicate so in the registration form.
g0v Summit 2016 team
標題:歡迎xxx委員辦公室參與 g0v Summit 2016
xxx 立委辦公室您好,
g0v.tw 台灣零時政府將在今年 5 月 14-15(星期六、日) 舉辦 g0v Summit 2016,以「科技促進民主與參與效能」為主軸,下分九大主題,
由來自全球 16 國的講者齊聚,分享各國「科技×公民參與×開源」的不同經驗與故事,期待為台灣注入新的思維及公民參與動能。
演講內容包括:歐洲的新興政治經驗(西班牙的 Podemos 黨如何一舉在大選獲得五分之一的得票)、亞洲推展數位科技到傳統公民團體的經驗、各國數位進入政府搭建溝通橋樑的改造經驗 (包括美國與台灣實際經驗)、資訊科技與環境應用(包括西非瘧疾救助、雅加達水災、透過公民科學家進行環境監測等)。
報名時間:請於 4月15日 23:59 前使用邀請碼選擇「一般邀請票」票種報名
如有任何問題,也歡迎與我們聯繫 :)
g0v Summit 2016 大會籌備團隊 敬上
關於 g0v.tw 台灣零時政府
g0v.tw 台灣零時政府社群從 2012 年 10 月開始,用數位世代的思維,以開源(open source )方式號召群眾以網路世代的新模式協作,運用科技力量促進政府透明化。與國會相關的專案有國會大代誌、立委投票指南。
☀ 到 g0v Summit 2016 年會網站看更多議程介紹:http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/schedules
標題:敬邀參與 g0v Summit 零時政府年會
g0v.tw 台灣零時政府預計在 2016 年 5 月 14-15 日於台北南港中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行年會,有來自全球 15 國講者將分享公民科技、開放政府、環境、民主、媒體與資訊應用相關的議程。
本次大會延續以科技促進民主與參與效能為主軸,包含:歐洲的新興政治經驗(西班牙的 Podemos 黨如何一舉在大選獲得五分之一的得票)、公民團體數位升級的經驗、政府數位改造經驗 (包括美國與台灣實際經驗)、資訊科技與環境應用(包括西非瘧疾救助、雅加達水災、透過公民科學家進行環境監測等),以及橫跨新媒體、政府監督、防災科技等許多精彩議程。
這幾年來與許多團體有跨界協作,我們希望能繼續學習與交流。很榮幸邀請您參加 g0v Summit 2016 年會,並向您送上邀請碼,一個人可以用一個 VIP 邀請碼報名,您也可以將不用的邀請碼轉寄給您的朋友。
報名網址: http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/conference (請選保留票)
(請於 5/13 23:59:59 前使用邀請碼報名,邀請碼也可自由轉讓)
g0v Summit 2016 的議程: http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/schedules
g0v Summit 2016 網站: summit.g0v.tw
g0v Summit 2016 籌備團隊敬上
Dear Speakers,
On behalf of the g0v Summit 2016 Program Committee, I’d like to offer you our warmest welcome to Taiwan! The conference is fully booked and we are expecting about 750 people.
If you are receiving travel grants from us and have not submitted your airfare receipts and E-Ticket, please do so ASAP otherwise we won’t be able to reimburse you upon your arrival.
And please submit Unconference topics here: http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/unconf
Essential info for your trip is enclosed below. Let us know if you need any assistance.
## Emergency contacts during your stay:
Lora /* masked */
RS /* masked */
## Arrival
- Local sim card: available at airport terminal before and after passport control
- ProTip: Use the non-resident immigration queue closest to the resident ones
## Hotel
All speakers booked by conference are staying at Hotel 8 Zone: https://goo.gl/ZVV3xR
- Take the 1819 bus to Taipei main station (~US$4) and MRT blue line two stops
eastward to Hotel 8 Zone. (80min)
- Uber or Taxi costs ~US$35 to the hotel (30min)
## Breakfast
- Hotel: The rooms booked by conference were without breakfast. If you are
having breakfast at the hotel please simply charge it to your room and we will pay up to 3 breakfasts during the conference.
- Traditional soymilk breakfast: famous one near the hotel that opens at 5:30:
https://goo.gl/maps/LtejvdLTRb82 (great for those with jetlag!)
- Fish Market breakfast: opens at 6:00: https://goo.gl/maps/Fz6bZaGh1BU2
- Traditional workers’ breakfast: This is my personal favourite for savory
breakfast near the conference venue: https://goo.gl/maps/SqvQbTLaZov
- Tea Break at the conference: The conference will have snacks at the
11:30 tea break on Day 1.
## Conference Venue
HSSB Building Academia Sinica: https://goo.gl/maps/BtGgo3xki6q
- Chauffeur service is available from Hotel 8 Zone to the venue on Saturday
and Sunday. Please be at the lobby at 8am.
- Take the blue line eastward to the last stop (Nangang Exhibition Center) and follow the instructions: http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/transport
## Welcome Dinner on May 13
阿美飯店 (A-Mei Restaurant) https://goo.gl/maps/h4ZzvRDYcu62
- Please arrive by 7pm. It’s 20min walk or 7min by taxi from Hotel 8 Zone.
- You may bring plus-one if you have previously indicated so in the speaker registration form.
Hi *|FULLNAME|* 女士/先生,您好!
☞ g0v Summit 2016 即將在 5/14 展開囉!
期待您將在 g0v Summit 演講,以下資訊提供給您參考:
☞ 5/14(六)Conference 國際研討會
中央研究院 人文社會科學館(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)
5/14 國際研討會(六)9:00 ~ 17:30
ⓘ 報到資訊
大會 8:30 就開放報到,9:00 大會開幕。請在您的議程開始前,至人文館二樓報到櫃檯,將由議程助理指引您。
ⓘ 交通資訊
<!--- BEGIN 如果講者有報名晚宴,加這段。收件者全為國內講者,為版面清爽刪除英文 BEGIN -->
☞ 您已確認參加當日講者晚宴,提醒您以下資訊
5/14(六)晚間 18:00 請於人文館二樓報到櫃檯集合,將由工作人員指引前往講者晚宴餐廳。
ⓘ 講者晚宴
5/14(六)18:30 ~ 21:00
<!--- END 如果講者有報名晚宴,加這段。END -->
☞ 5/15(日)上午 開放工作坊 Unconference + 下午 Conference 國際研討會
中央研究院 人文社會科學館(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)
5/15(日)開放工作坊 9:00 ~ 12:00 國際研討會 13:00 ~ 17:40
《鄉民都來了》、《下班時間扭轉未來》作者紐約大學傳播科技媒體 Clay Shirky 教授將於 Unconference 結束時演講,也將一同進行全天議程。
ⓘ 報到資訊
報到時間由 8:30 準時開始,報到櫃檯設於人文館二樓,請攜帶第一天的識別證 + Unconf 貼紙報到。
ⓘ 如果您要登記 Unconference 議程
當天將於三個會議室進行,有 20 個議程時段,歡迎在大會前先到 http://bit.ly/g0v-unconf2016 投稿。
大會期間也可以於 Unconference 投稿區現場投稿。
ⓘ 下午議程與閃電秀
Unconference 結束後,5/15 下午仍然有精采議程,並將於大會結束前進行全場閃電秀。歡迎在 5/15 中午以後於閃電秀投稿區投稿。
期待與您在 g0v Summit 2016 相見!
g0v Summit 2016 籌備團隊 敬上
Subject: Thank You for speaking at g0v Summit
Dear Speakers,
On behalf of the g0v Summit 2016 Program Committee and the Conference Team, I’d like to thank you all again for speaking at the conference. We hope you enjoyed your time in Taiwan. The event is well-received, and this wouldn’t have been possible without you.
We’d love to get your feedback on how you think the conference went, in order to make future conferences even better: <speaker feedback url>. In addition to the feedback form, we’d particularly want to also hear what you think about the speaker hotel booked by conference, transportation arrangement, banquets, interaction with conference attendees. Please kindly add the comments to the "suggestion" entry of the form, or simply reply this email.
Notes & Videos
Since we had to schedule the tracks in parallel, if you missed anything you wanted to participate due to agenda, you can review the video and notes here: http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-summit-2016/g0v-Summit-2016--dcll6p0TXBG (Most notes are in Chinese though, please kindly bear with google translate) and if you haven’t uploaded your slides, please do and update the links there as well.
Please do stay connected with other speakers! The conference speaker page should have social media handles for everyone. If you blogged about the event, please use the #g0vsummit hashtag so we can find it. Hopefully see you in 2018!
Hi *|FULLNAME|* 女士/先生,您好!
謹代表 g0v Summit 2016 的議程委員們和全體大會工作人員向您再次表達感謝,您精采的演說是這次大會成功的重要因素之一。
為了讓下一屆的 g0v Summit 更好,我們希望能夠得到您關於這次大會的回饋: <TW speaker feedback url>.
我們特別想要知道您對於這次講者晚宴,以及與會者互動的感受,請幫我們在問卷的最後備註欄加上:『建議』或是直接回覆這封 email 。
筆記 & 影片
由於我們不得在同一個時段安排三個議程同時進行,所以如果您錯過了什麼您有興趣的議程或主題,您可以從 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-summit-2016/g0v-Summit-2016--dcll6p0TXBG 找到。如果您還未上傳您的簡報檔,也請您上傳後順手幫我們更新。