using web template:
current outcome:
(Do you mean call for collaboration? )
vTaiwan is an online-offline consultation process which brings together government ministries, elected representatives, scholars, experts, business leaders, civil society organizations and citizens. (To do what? Discuss an issue before the law is made?) The process helps lawmakers implement decisions with a greater degree of legitimacy.
vTaiwan has various touch points such as a website (, a combination of meetings and hackathons along with the consultation process (not quite sure if i undestand this and the next one). vTaiwan is also an open space, it is a combination of time and space run by participants to work on cases brought in.
As an open project, vTaiwan attract people from mult-idisciplines including law makers, public servants, developers, designer, wirters, researchers, journalists, film makers and much more. Therefore, we contribut our skills in different ways. Here are a list of things vTaiwan contributors have been doing, go ahead have look and see how you would like to contribute:
The vTaiwan process consists of four successive stages - proposal, opinion, reflection and legislation - supported by a selection of colloborative open source engagement tools.
A Few Accomplishments
By the end of Feb, 2018, 26 cases have been discussed through the vTaiwan process, and 80% of them have led to some decisive government action.
vTaiwan hosted UberX case to discuss about Uber problem in Taiwan. More than 4000 participants crowd-sourced our meeting agenda ( for an open consultation meeting ( via 4 weeks of public survey ( on Uber agreed to vTaiwan’s coherent blended volition (, and the administration pledged to ratify all the consensus items into a new regulation .
vTaiwan helped pass the FinTech sandbox act, the regulation that empowers financial technology field to conduct transparent, accountable small scale experiments that are currently unregulated by the law.
The devastating consequence of non-consensual intimate images (NCII) has recently been on the table around the globe, the community members and volunteers of vTaiwan all agreed this is a burning issue that we ought to examine. A survey was launched during June 7th, 2017 to July 21st, 2017. Online discussion helped shelters the victims from exposure to include more stakeholders to preserve the diversity of viewpoints and experiences.