Proposal: as CodeForAll Brigade / International Partner

Previous CfA codeacross/brigade hangout notes

about CfA Brigade

Profile: Taiwan

Although CfA typically emphasize on working with local government, we believe in Taiwan it makes more sense working with the central government primarily, as it’s relatively a small place, and most policies are made centrally where local governments are just carrying out the works.




Potential Brigade Focus & Projects 

2014 Strategic Plan

Group Description is... (as of 2014Q2)

hence, would like to have task force acting as liaison in the community, which will:

This allows us to have a more persistent contact window but still keep the community loosely-structured and decentralized. 

The task force shall elect a primary contact person every 6 month.

Brigade Team

Story Teller

Community Organizer

Project Delivery Coordinator 

Priorities This Year

Strategy & Tactics


Brain Storming

(discussion here)

(archived discussion)