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David Eaves
history of opening up the government
the first one is 1766 Sweden
1966 US
1970 Norway
1974 US
Access Information Act
reason one
1974 Nixson
progressive coalitions/political trust crisis
Because Richard Nixon who broke political trust and caused everyone to believe we should not have this happen ever again.
reason two
widespread use of photocopiers
"FOIA is predicated on the existence of copiers"
there’s some form of public demand of change that combines with some form of re-oganization that combines with technology that can promote the changes we need(?)
how do we increase the size of this sweet spot (Techonology + Organization + Public Demand)
for me to increase the organization is more important
Environmental group say greenpeace
a very clear notion of how to implement a big change
what we want to change -> analysis -> theory -> develop campaign -> implement -> big change happens
(big chart of greenpeace campaign)
in gov space there are times that we get angry and know what we want to change and skip the analysis and go straight to the implementation
what you actually want to change? what is your goal? change gov? make a good public site for people to use easily? have fun? these are all valid goals
Beware of shifting goals. the real risk of me [on making the Open Data website] is to shift the goal from changing the gov to embarrassing the gov. this is also a valid goal because this would increase public demand(?), but you have to know what you are doing
Big Tent
you (people in this room) are a big tent coalition
when you have a big tent you have to acknowledge different motivations
and the big risks is to start judging people because they don’t have to same goal as you
it is *great* that you have a diversity of goals
the real question is how do we make each of us achieve what each of us what
patriot - careerist - the evangelist
they actually have different goals and it is easy for them see only their differences and to forget what they are trying to accomplish together
have one community vs infect our communities
a single conf is important but i think it is not as important as it used to be
so your job is not only to go to this conference but also to *infest* all other communities
if you’re a journalist go infect your colleagues
what happens when we use that power to the effective and win?
Loggers (伐木業者) + Environmentalists + Open Data (map)
Chicago 選區劃分
I would argue that the district is a complete success
the only way you can do this is to have public consensus data and you can draw the district so that the parties can convientent win (i.e. gerrymandering)(用選區作弊)
The data IS political. (資料本身就是政治性的) Whether you are an engineer, it is a deeply political things you are doing.
Long form census. If I am a politician and I know that people are going to make big decisions using data, I would try to let people know what I want them to know
You in this room has a very special ability to know the implications of all this and it is your responsibilities to use this knowledge to public service and to let people know about this.