R1, R2 英翻中



I am a social doer involved in creating change. I spend most of my time helping make transparency an easy-to-follow way of life for people around me. I do so by challenging the known, tapping into the under-researched and bridging the gaps between different groups of researchers and activists alike. Besides heading TI Lithuania and overseeing the development of TransparencySchool.org for the past seven years, I have been involved in a number of undertakings that in many ways complement each other. I teach Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption at the International School of Management in Vilnius. I am also a board member of the Lithuanian responsible business initiative "Clear Wave" and an advisory council member of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Lithuania and the Žinių radijas. I have just joined supervisory boards of two healthcare establishments in Vilnius - the Central Policlinics of Vilnius and the National Vilnius University Hospital. I have also served as a local correspondent for Lithuania for the EU Commission Anti-Corruption report. As for other experiences under my sleeve, I was a member of the International Board of Directors of the global TI movement from 2009 to 2015 and a member of the Selection Commission of Candidates to the Judicial Office.

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Katarzyna Mikołajczyk, Open Cities Program Coordinator in Poland. I use my work experience to open up cities in Poland. I want to increase transparency of the public administration, the growth of startups based on public data and increase the participation of informed citizens. Just this :) I do this while I work for ePF Foundation, an NGO which mission is to develop democracy, open and transparent authorities and civic engagement through new technologies. I’m coordinating Open Cities Program which is dedicated to local governments and helps them to publish public information and engage people to understand open data. I’m also a leader active in local community in city of Lodz for over 7 years. I managed civic engagement campaigns, educational projects, social consultations and advocacy work with the city authorities. I was always a passionate of open data and using them to plan for people. But only with people.

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Venus Lui is the Project Manager of Wikimedia Hong Kong. She works on the Wikipedia Education Program which is related to literature and linguistics and also the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) Project in Hong Kong. In 2015, she served as the Program Committee of GLAM-Wiki 2015, a conference about projects by GLAMs in collaboration with Wikimedia and/or that have another open knowledge component.

認領人 & 簽名同意 CC0 釋出:S Chen


Venus Lui 是香港維基媒體基金會的專案經理,她負責與文學和語言學相關的維基百科教育計畫,以及 香港的 GLAM 計畫(尋求與美術館、圖書館、檔案館和博物館合作的計畫)。2015 年她參與了 GLAM-Wiki 2015 會議的議程委員會,該會議主題是 GLAMs 與維基媒體間的合作計畫及/或有其他開放知識議題的計畫。

用 EveryPolitician 的資料,來增進公民科技重用


Jen is the International Projects Manager at mySociety. If you email [email protected], Jen will be the one who responds to you first. She lives in London and works directly with organisations anywhere in the world, helping them with the practicalities of deploying our code and maintaining the resulting websites.

With a background as a working on media development and broadcasting reform projects in the Middle East and North Africa for BBC Media Action, she’s used to pitching in wherever needed for all sorts of projects.

Jen travels widely to meet our partners on their home ground: it’s always helpful to see our projects in the places where they’ll be deployed, and meet the people who will be using them. She’s passionate about ensuring that projects meet local needs and spending time with groups in their own countries helps her start to understand their motivations.

認領人 & 簽名同意 CC0 釋出:S Chen


Jen 是mySociety 的國際計畫經理,如果你寄信到 [email protected], Jen 會是第一個回信給你的人。她住在倫敦但與全球各地的組織者一起工作,在使用我們的程式碼以及維持網站運作上提供各種實際上的協助。由於在 BBC Media Action 的中東與北非計劃從事媒體發展與傳播改革相關工作經驗,Jen 很一貫對各種有需要的計畫提供協助。

Jen 經常旅行和計畫夥伴在當地見面:去計畫進行的地方進行實地探訪以及與使用者見面對於我們的工作總是很有幫助。Jen 對確保計畫符合當地需求充滿熱情,在各地與使用者社群相處對於她瞭解使用者的動機十分有幫助。



James McKinney regularly contributes to civil society initiatives relating to government, legislative and corporate transparency. He is currently focusing on Popolo (a set of legislative data specifications, used by parliamentary monitoring organizations and members of Poplus.org) and on Influence Mapping (a group of organizations that draw the networks of relations between politically exposed people and organizations). James is especially interested in how data standards can facilitate cooperation between organizations and individuals.James previously founded Open North, a Canadian nonprofit that creates websites to promote government transparency and public participation. He is co-lead of the Open Government Partnership’s Open Data Working Group’s Standards Stream. He was a member of the Open Contract Data Standard core team and of the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group. He has presented on open government and open data, most recently at the International Open Data Conference, Canadian Open Data Summit, and Spaghetti Open Data.

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morph.io: 國際公民科技社群建立的資料抓取平台


Henare was goaded into his first ever open source contribution in a chance encounter at a free software conference 7 years ago. Hacking on civic tech was the creative outlet for his passion for politics and open source that he’d been looking for. He’s been volunteering at the OpenAustralia Foundation ever since and is now one of the first full-time staff where he does everything from software development to decoding government jargon into plain language. He has spoken at, and helped organise, civic tech and transparency conferences around the world and is a major contributor to several international open source civic tech projects. He has recently been teaching intensive scraping workshops. In these he has helped people with almost no programming knowledge write their very own scraper in just 4 hours. When not hacking democracy he is an enthusiastic amateur cook and is considered by some to be a master barbequist.

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Rajib Timalsina is an advisor of GalliGalli initiatives in Nepal which gathers, packages, and disseminates information using new technologies to make people’s lives easier for accessing government services. Details available at (www.galligalli.org). Mr. Timalsina has extensive experience in conducting monitoring and evaluation of development projects, specifically related to local and urban governance, and peacebuilding. He has served as a Conflict Mediation Expert in the mid-term evaluation of Sajhedari Bikas, a large-scale partnership between Ministry of Local Governance, GoN and USAID. Mr. Timalsina is a Lecturer at the Department of Conflict, Peace and Development Studies (CPDS), Tribhuvan University. He is also an expert contributor and lecturer for the Armed Police Staff College in Kathmandu. For 2014 – 2016 tenure he is serving as Convener of Peace Negotiation, Dialogue and Mediation Commission formed under the International Peace Research Association (IPRA). Mr. Timalsina has extensive experience in conducting social researches, specifically related to governance, project evaluation & monitoring, security and peacebuilding. In 2013, Mr. Timalsina was awarded the Nepal Bidya Bhusan from the President of Nepal for academic excellence.

ICT 與群眾外包的災難適應力,亞洲開發銀行的案例研究


Kuo-Yu Chuang (a.k.a. slayer) has worked on Location-Based Service (LBS) and disaster response with ICT for years. His current focus is the young social enterprise, GeoThings, which based in Taiwan and provides an integrated ICT platform for Communities, NGOs, and Government Agencies on disaster management. He is also working with various international organization such as OGC, GEO, ITU, and actively joined the open communities like Open Street Map (OSM) and Crisis Mappers. With those collaborations, Kuo-Yu really look forward to a greater impact for disaster response with an idea he called “Humanitarian ICT”.

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告別文字擷取與資料探勘的痛苦: FutureTDM


Freyja van den Boom is an artist/researcher on law and technology. Before joining Open Knowledge to work on the FutureTDM project she worked as a trademark attorney, lecturer on law and ethics and as a researcher at Leuven University on European projects about Open Access, Privacy and Data Protection and Copyright. She has a Master in Law (LLM) from Tilburg University, studied Arts and philosophy and is currently doing a second master in Sociology at Lund University. Her research interests include disruptive digital developments such as the self driving car, 3D printing and artificial intelligence.

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真實案例:監票數位參與 (MataMassa "公眾之眼")


Nanang Syaifudin is a member of Wikipedia Indonesia period iLab 2013. He is the founder and currently serves as the Executive Director iLab, a nonprofit organization engaged in the development of information technology for social change. Nanang helped in terms of technical and training projects Cipta Media Bersama First, open grant projects for improvement of media with Ford Foundation, Wikimedia Indonesia, ICT Watch and the Alliance of Independent Journalists. Nanang had previously helped Malaysian activists with community Bersih 2.0 and Fitness Komas to develop a system of monitoring the elections with the project name Jom Monitor, Nana also create a system for the people of Pattani in southern Thailand with institutions INSouthMedia for documentation of human rights violations based on the map with the project name WARTANI, then he made Encyclopedia Corruption Indonesia is Korupedia portal to document the Corruptor figures in Indonesia. Nanang also been a Project Manager at the Foundation AirPutih for capacity-building projects and alternative technologies in the area - particularly remote areas of Papua, on alternative technologies and the use of citizen media by using SMS cooperate with AJI Jayapura

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在奈比多用 NodeJS:緬甸選舉資料開放


Nick was a 2012 Code for America fellow, and now works with The Asia Foundation on open government and humanitarian technology. In the past he has taught with One Laptop per Child, made responsive websites for the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and made a Node script that encrypts your email with profanity.

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Liz Barry is a founding member of the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science and is on staff as Director of Community Development to guide the group’s unique combination of place-based organizing and online peer production. She teaches in Columbia University’s graduate department of urban design and speaks internationally on collaboration and urban environmental management. In 2015, the City of New York scaled TreeKIT -- a project she co-founded with Philip Silva to measure, map and monitor street trees -- into a city-wide initiative (TreesCount!) in which thousands of New Yorkers mapped over half a million trees. She served as a Fellow at the Design Trust for Public Space on Five Borough Farm Phases II & III and was named a Sunlight Foundation OpenGov Champion.

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Consul - 西班牙的開放政府平台與數位民主革命


Miguel Arana is the Director of the Madrid city council participation project. He is designing the new open government strategy for the city of Madrid, and its new free software platform for direct democracy and collective intelligence http://decide.madrid.es Defining also the national strategy for smart cities together with other major Spanish cities as Barcelona, Zaragoza, A Coruña among others. He has been actively involved in the 15M movement in Spain since its beginning, with an emphasis in the digital tools and the connection of the movement with other countries. Currently working with different participation projects worldwide, and networks as D-CENT, including countries as Iceland, Finland or Brazil.

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