
目前只會用標題  Orz 是說這個也是可以拿來聊天的吧?!?!?!?!?!

大家如果覺得一個禮拜三回 TPO 還是太多的話... 記得講一下喔  反正我們是笨鳥慢飛  不要求快...

還有就是有什麼需要幫忙的像是折文宣大賽  有的時候我會沒看到FB訊息(追不上  嗚嗚)所以先謝謝大家的提醒~~

帥氣!! 糟 我不會推文

http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23491546 倫倫的部落格

TPO 4-1 Deer population of Puget Sound

 Naturalistic paintings on slabs of stone _____ in southern Africa, some of those slabs appear to have been painted as much as 28,000 years ago. 


 Ans: excavated


TPO 4-2 Cave Art in Europe

What keeps the black-tailed deer a lived in the _(g)_ seasons of plant decoy and dormancy? One compensation for not hibernating is the built- in urge to _(d)_. Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. 

(g) harsher

(d) migrate

TPO 4-3 Petroleum Resources

More than one-quarter of the world’s oil and almost one-fifth of the world’s natural gas come from _____, even though offshore drilling is six to seven times more expensive than drilling on land. 

Ans :  offshore 

TPO 5-1 Minerals and plants

Some soils are _____ deficient in micro nutrients and are therefore unable to support most plant life, only plants able to tolerate low levels of this mineral can survive. 

Ans : notoriously

Much of the research on nutrient deficiencies is based on growing plants

Hydroponically. Hydroponics has applications beyond basic research, since it _(b)_ the growing of greenhouse vegetables, during winter. 

(b) facilitates

TPO 5-2 The origin of the Pacific Island People

The basic cultural requirements for the successful _(h)_ of the Pacific islands include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills to get to the islands in the first place.

(h) colonization

TPO 7-1 The Geologic History of the Mediterranean

  1. The word "objective" in the passage is closest in meaning to 

      A. achievement  B. requirement C. purpose D. feature



TPO 9-1 Colonizing America via the Northwest Coast

有問題的可以寫這邊...  by pokky

TPO 9-2 Reflection in teaching

剛做完這篇雖然單字沒有很多可是還是看超久... 而且我覺得很多題陷阱很多...