20181024 vTaiwan小黑客松
時間:2018-10-24 週三 19:00-21:00
地點:社會創新實驗中心 2F A9 會議室
前次會議紀錄:20181010 vTaiwan
Wifi: PDIS_Public_5G/ji394pdis
Translation: English
18:30-19:00 報到
19:00-19:15 開場、自我介紹
19:15-19:30 sync 公部門進度、當週提案說明、現場提案
19:30-20:30 討論&hacking
20:30-21:00 成果分享&決定下週主持人
10/17 裸照外流案 NCII 線上會議後續
- 已將過程及共筆交給羅政委辦公室、尤立委辦公室
- 2018 10 17 vTaiwan
- 更新官網:iWin的簡報、tmonk的簡報、尤辦草案(雨蒼再問能不能公開)
10/31 跨部門資料運用線上諮詢會議
- https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/5nckzdszrc 還能推去哪
- 公部門?法協和/或資管處?
- 雨蒼本次的主持人收入捐給小松(10/31)
- 行政協助:
- 紀錄(坐主持人旁邊):子魚
- 文播(中聽英打):Kevin
- offline opinion phase via sociometric badges (@kevinphy / @patcon)
- Slack: `#socialphysics`
- Doc: https://hackmd.io/txrNRnNVSW-jI0kFH_udXg
- Social Physics
- Evidence supports that content of what is discussed — while words are important — can almost be ignored and focus on the pattern of speaking. A group in which one person talks all the time don’t reach their shared goals together; whereas more effective ways of interacting are short bursts of information from everyone, and lots of different perspectives are represented, so the group can reach the common goal more effectively.
- This area of study (documented in a book of the same name) is not as focused on the digital spaces — rather high-bandwidth face to face spaces that we are evolved to work in. What they created measures the volume of people and the proximity of people speaking to each other. They get offices and families to wear this to collect a lot of data. There is two experiments...
- The first one is almost an excuse to build an openbadge prototype, get this made (it’s open hardware) and try it out — there is a hub (github.com/HumanDynamics/openbadge-hub-py) to visualize behavior that may reflect how people e.g. work in a Hackathon.
- The goal is to give people perspective of an overview of speech patterns, as well as exploring new forms of idea in group dynamics.
- In RightsCon, people experimented moving around in a space based on whether they agree, disagree, or is unsure; and without too much facilitation — basically just asking people who are for/against/unsure "why" — seems to be a simple thing for vTaiwan.
- We plan to buy three iBeacon stations to measure how close each badge is to each other; Pol.is can create new users from outside the system, so you can modify the hub to report the people who are standing on different positions, and by pushing a button people gets entered in the session into the Pol.is system online.
- So we envision a polis conversation projected up on the wall, and ask people to participate in an offline event, where they can see their avatars updated in real time — a realization of the mixed-reality Holopolis vision.
- The board is going to built in a couple weeks. Maybe 15 to have an interesting session — random people off the street; in the park; etc.people experimented moving around in a space based on whether they agree, disagree, or is unsure; and without too much facilitation — basically just asking people who are for/against/unsure "why" — seems to be a simple thing for vTaiwan.
- We plan to buy three iBeacon stations to measure how close each badge is to each other; Pol.is can create new users from outside the system, so you can modify the hub to report the people who are standing on different positions, and by pushing a button people gets entered in the session into the Pol.is system online.
- So we envision a polis conversation projected up on the wall, and ask people to participate in an offline event, where they can see their avatars updated in real time — a realization of the mixed-reality Holopolis vision.
- The board is going to built in a couple weeks. Maybe 15 to have an interesting session — random people off the street; in the park; etc.
- 2015-08-16 COSCUP - 動民主血淚史 / ETBlue
Kavin:在台灣有沒有人討論過 IRV ?(用順序投票)或海外僑胞投票
想跟大家討論對 vTaiwan 的未來想像:Peace
- 請在Polis寫下對vTaiwan的想法
- 預計12/5、12分別討論與聚餐
- 希望能在討論的過程得到大家vTaiwan的想像與心得,建立共識,一起進化這樣。
- 整理 google drive:把檔案整理好、專案追蹤
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qeWa9z-tAEflX7P0H7GdLkUDgy90Oy15N4JsdVUuMO0/edit#gid=0
- 社群基礎建設:Peace
- 電子報/社群媒體經營策略
- 追蹤利害關係人名單
- vTaiwan的流程文字化(目前有圖,想加文字說明)
- 整理hackfoldr——目標是vtw.link就可以知道自己要幹嘛
- 比較法條&vtaiwan意見:可以用Sense.tw整理後更新連結到官網:tmonk、書漾
- 公司法:董監事改選、社會企業、公司英文名稱:子魚
- 無人載具 - tmonk
- 希望能夠幫忙看這篇文章,補充vTaiwan上案件的始末、補漏洞https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OVU65KDbbzbkndsD0HvSK2GfkXrgphaIE7aGl_4Icjo/edit?usp=sharing by Nesta (Theo Bass)
- vTaiwan 的成果的Visualisation:書漾&芳睿
- https://realtimeboard.com/app/board/o9J_kzis1T4=/
- Data Benchmark 基準化分析法/標竿分析
- Evaluation
- 最後的完成的結果
- 過程中學習到了甚麼
- 前臺:https://github.com/g0v/vue.vtaiwan.tw
- 後臺:https://talk.vtaiwan.tw/c/meta-data(權限 key holder:https://talk.vtaiwan.tw/about 管理員群)
vTaiwan 小松讀書會:書目整理