鄉民關心你 - API
本內容已被標註為過時或未維護。如果三十日內沒有更新,將會被移除。原有內容仍可在 https://github.com/g0v-data/hackpad-backup-g0v 找到。
Version: 0.1
The backend is custom pgrest and the api is compatable with https://support.mongolab.com/entries/20433053-rest-api-for-mongodb
this api is possibled changed by implemented within json-ld (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRTD2W4W8G4)
git:master: unsupported
git:develop: support
GET /auth/facebook # authenticated by facebook account. (default enabled)
GET /me # get authenticatied user profile
GET /logout # logout, clear session
GET /logged # return true if user is authenticatied otherwise return false
git:master: unsupported
git:develop: support
PUT /collections/users/{id} # update a user
GET /collections/users # get all user
GET /collections/users/{id} # get a user
- _id: user id
- username: The name of this user, suitable for display.
- name:
- familyName:The family name of this user, or "last name" in most Western languages.
- givenName:The given name of this user, or "first name" in most Western languages.
- middleName: The middle name of this user.
- display_name: the name a user want to display in the system
- photos: array
User Preferences
GET /collection/user_prefs/{user id} #get a user preference
PUT /collection/user_prefs/{user id} #get a user preference
- _id: object id
- user_id: user id
- prefer_poston: which system user prefer to use for posting a message (twitter/facebook/kunasim)
- subscriptions
Bookmarked Items
POST /collections/bookmarks/ # create a bookmarked item
GET /collections/bookmarks/ # get all bookmarked items
GET /collections/bookmarks/{id} # get a bookmarked item
PUT /collections/bookmarks/{id} # update a bookmarked item
DELETE /collections/bookmarks/{id} # delete a bookmarked item (won’t delete resolved items, e.x article)
- _id: Item id
- normal_url: The original url for the added item
- resolved_id: A unique identifier for the resolved item
- resolved_type: The type resolved item belongs to
- date_resolved: The date the item was resolved
- date_happend: 事件發生的時間
- author:author
- tags: Array of tags
- messages: associated messages
- in_inbox: false or true
Articles (belongs to resolved items)
POST /articles # create a article
GET /articles/{article id} # get a article
- id: article id
- title: article title
- permanent_url: permanent url of original article.
- summary: article summary
- fulltext: aticle full content
- date_published: The date the item was published
- sources: Array of sources where the article from
- has_images: 0: no image; 1: has an image in the body of the article; 2: is an image
- images: Array of image data
- has_videos: 0: no video; 1: has a video in the body of the article; 2: is a video
- videos: Array of video data
- has_diffs: 0: no; 1: has multiple versions
- diffs: Array of changes if this article has multiple version
WebPages (belongs to resolved items)
POST /webpages # create a webpages
GET /webpages/{item_id} # get a webpages
- id: web page id
- title: article title
- summary: summary of web page
- permanent_url: permanent url of original article.
- date_published: The date the item was published
- domain: domain of url
- has_images: 0: no image; 1: has an image in the body of the article; 2: is an image
- images: Array of image data
- has_videos: 0: no video; 1: has a video in the body of the article; 2: is a video
- videos: Array of video data
POST /collections/tags # create a tag
GET /collections/tags/{tag name} # get a tag by name
GET /collections/tags/{id} # get a tag by id
- id: tag id
- name: tag name
- authors: Array of authors
- is_issue: return true if at least a user think this tag is an issue title.
Issue (爭議)
GET /collections/issues
GET /collections/issues/{id}
- tag_id:
- bookmarked_items
- ongoing_actions
- watcher:
GET /collections/positions
- _id: object id
- issue:
- title: position title
- tags: ....
- supportors: []
- againstors: []