
ft. Frank Pasquale & Ray Cha

WiFi: bighouse / bghouse452



時間:2018-06-19 週二 晚上 19:00-22:00


什麼是 g0v 基礎建設松?

g0v 社群由「人、坑、松」組成,如何讓參與者容易串連協作,需要更多好用的工具與平台。繼兩年前第零次基礎建設松後[1],揪松團重啟相關計畫,揪碼農筆農一起長期耕耘,希望透過常態經營基礎建設專案,能讓去中心化的分散式工作更有效能。目前進行的計畫有 g0v Hub(社群人力銀行)、g0v search(社群文件搜尋器)、g0v domain 申請規劃、g0v 專案雲端主機代管規劃、新手教學等,也歡迎提案。

報名: https://g0v-jothon.kktix.cc/events/infrath11n

基礎建設 hackfoldr: http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-infras/

揪松 trello: https://trello.com/b/f8gWnjeC/g0v-jothon-organizer


【!!!更新!!!】Ray Cha 因為工作變動而無法出席本次基礎松,Frank 可能會視情況介紹 Ray 原本要講的內容。

在晚上基礎松之前的傍晚,我們會用很台的熱炒招待外國訪客。本次將有兩段短講:分別是《黑箱社會:掌控信息和金錢的數據法則》作者 Frank Pasquale,以及於 EDGI(Environmental Data & Governance Initiative,環境資料與政府行動,監測美國聯邦政府環境機構網頁的組織)任職的 Ray Cha。在短講之後,歡迎沒有人提案、交流或自由 hacking。


  1. Frank Pasquale has criticized government agencies for using opaque technologies. For example, opaque algorithms determine whether U.S. citizens deserve benefits, are put on a terrorist watchlist, or are put on other blacklists. Recently, groups like AINow and the Turing Institute have recommended that governments only use algorithms and AI that can be publicly inspected and explainable. Frank will describe these efforts, and how government procurement policy should treat government technology adoption. For background, see:
    1. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608011/secret-algorithms-threaten-the-rule-of-law/
    2. https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2016/10/24/silicon-valley-goes-to-washington/why-the-government-cant-be-technologically-dependent-on-the-private-sector
  2. Ray Cha has worked on civic tech and open data in several contexts. His talk will focus on his work at the Environmental Data Governance Initiative, to archive official websites and ensure an accurate record of climate data and administrative action. Ray has also worked to ensure maximum feasible public use of transit data.


Frank Pasquale

Frank Pasquale is an expert on the law of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and machine learning. He has been recognized as one of the ten most cited scholars in health law in the United States. Pasquale has advised business and government leaders in the health care, internet, and finance industries, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. House Judiciary and Energy & Commerce Committees, the Senate Banking Committee, the Federal Trade Commission, and directorates-general of the European Commission. He has also advised officials in Canada and the United Kingdom on law & technology policy. He is author of The Black Box Society (Harvard U. Press), which was translated into French, Korean, and Mandarin (Citic Press). 

Ray Cha

Ray Cha is a product manager and user experience designer. He will present two current civic tech and open data projects. His is currently working with the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative’s Website Monitoring Project. For the last year and and half, EDGI has been monitoring over 30,000 US federal websites (.gov) for changes in information on and language about climate change, energy, and the environment. The data we collect from our crawlers and diffing tool is reviewed by our team of volunteer analysts. They write reports documenting significant findings, which are sent to a pool of over a hundred journalists. He is also developing an educational  to teach people how to use open transit data. The website’s helps bridge the gap between accessing the raw public data and transforming it into insights for more informed advocacy and decision making.







Environmental Data & Governance Initiative

Prepared by Raymond Cha, Website Monitoring Project

The Problem of Black Box

Algorithms in Government

Frank Pasquale
