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PI: final presentation

  • Headline: Israeli prejudice map (8 ways to divide Israel)
  • Research question: How Israeli feel and think about the map? Do they agree or disagree? Why?
  • Short description: The Israeli prejudice map shows 8 different ways to divide Israel. From someone's perspective, it could be ridiculous stereotypes. But for the others, it might reveal some cruel facts. As students taking the political identity course, we are curious about: How people in different identities see Israel? How people distinguish them between others? And how to define these boundary lines?
  • Methodology: Interview some Israelis(Jewish and Arabic) and gather their responses.

  • Final project - instructions
Your goal is to formulate a project which will present/discuss one of the topics/issues we discussed during the semester. The format is up to you – be creative. It can be: a film, a photo exhibition, ppt presentation, song, a machine or anything that comes to your mind. 
Submission date: 
1) Proposal: One printed page with a headline, research question, short description and methodology. 
2) Project presentation (Week 12+13).
Suggested guidelines:
1) Decide on a topic, try to write a headline to your project.
2) Formulate a research question/s you wish to explore? 
3) Decide how you are going to explore it (methodology).
4) Start your research.

  • Proposal
  • Development and transformation of Kibbutz – Comparative case study in Israel, Japan, and China
Research question
  • Why Kibbutz can succeed in Israel? And why the others failed?
Short description
In this report, we will try to answer the question by literature review and framing analysis. The question would be divided into the following aspects: 

literature review and framing analysis

  • Outlines




  • Questions to Avital
1. How to define Jews? Is Jews genetically identical? Do Jews need to be verified by Rabbis? 猶太人和猶太教徒? 猶太人是一種人種可以驗DNA的?猶太教徒是依據有沒有信教,經過拉比認證的嗎?
2. 中國人民公社之前的基布茲資料來源?不用收費的資料來源?
3. 日本The Japan Kibbutz Association(the 1960s)的資料/論文來源?

  • What is Kibbutz?

  • A kibbutz is a type of settlement which is unique to Israel. A collective community, traditionally based on agriculture, the first kibbutz was called Deganya and was founded by pioneers in 1910. Today, there are over 270 kibbutzim in Israel and they have diversified greatly since their agricultural beginnings with many now privatized. Regardless of their status, the kibbutz offers a unique insight into Israeli society, and are fascinating places to visit. (ref. Tourist Israel, Wikipedia, 維基百科, )

Function transformation of Kibbutz

  • Kibbutz in Japan

The Japan Kibbutz Association (Nikon Kibutsu Kyôkai) was established in 1963. Besides promoting the establishment of this form of collective in Japan, it aims to sponsor educational visits to Israel to study farming methods and other forms of social reconstruction.

1. Globalization of Communes: 1950-2010
2. Japan Commune Movement has set up a small kibbutz in Akan, eastern Hokkaido
3. He ... saw the kibbutz ... as the solution he had long sought for rural Japan. ... with his book, “The New Agriculture of the Kibbutz,” the Japan Kibbutz Association properly came into being in 1963.(http://www.culturemagic.org/PDF/c2ICHistory.pdf).
4. As in other countries, some Japanese have been fascinated with kibbutz ideology, going to work for a time as volunteers at kibbutzim. It is likely that - apart from idealism and a sense of adventure - the collective approach of kibbutz life resonates well with Japanese values, which traditionally give primacy to the group over the individual. In 1963, Tezuka Nobuyoshi set up the Japan Kibbutz Association (Nihon Kibutsu Kyokai) which grew to 30,000 members within a few years. This group produced a number of publications and sent Japanese to volunteer on kibbutzim in Israel. One Japanese person who volunteered in Israel with the association wrote the 1965 best-seller, Shalom Israel, describing the warmth of kibbutz life.

  • Kibbutz in China
History of the Jews in China
The Jewish Chinese community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions, and it also encompasses the full spectrum of Jewish religious observance. Though a small minority, Chinese Jews have had an open presence in the country since the arrival of the first Jewish immigrants during the 8th century CE. Relatively isolated communities of Jews developed through the Tang and Song Dynasties (7th to 13th centuries CE) all the way through the Qing Dynasty (19th century), most notably the Kaifeng Jews (the term "Chinese Jews" is often used in a restricted sense in order to refer to these communities).

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Jewish merchants from around the world began to trade in Chinese ports, particularly in the commercial centers of Hong Kong, which was for a time a British colony; Shanghai (the International Settlement and French Concession); and Harbin (the Trans-Siberian Railway). In the first half of the 20th century, thousands of Jewish refugees escaping from the 1917 Russian Revolution arrived in China. By the time of the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, only a few Chinese Jews were known to have maintained the practice of their religion and culture through the Kaifeng synagogue survived for around seven centuries until 1860. 

China's Jewish communities have been ethnically diverse ranging from the Jews of Kaifeng and other places during the history of Imperial China, who, it is reported, came to be more or less totally assimilated into the majority Han Chinese populace due to widespread intermarriage. (ref. wikipedia)



  • See also...
  • For the first time, a group of seven descendants of the Jewish community of Kaifeng, China has moved to Israel.
  • ??

Beijing's Jewish community

  • Others info

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