g0v summit 2014(介紹文案)
成立兩年來我們陸續做出幾個行動:對政府「經濟動能推升方案」宣傳廣告打模糊仗的不滿催生了「全民審預算」互動圖表,透過簡單好圖的視覺化資訊,讓國防、社會保險、教育醫療等方面的稅金支出一目瞭然;「萌典」整合了教育部現有線上資料,包含字詞解釋、筆順及各種功能,利用藉由「創用CC」的授權方式,讓內容更改、版權使用不被智慧財產權所限制,因為我們相信,知識應該自由傳播。另外,求職小幫手、福利請聽、動民主、零傳媒、新聞小幫手、國會大代誌、空氣污染視覺量表都是大家群策群力、共同生產出來的成果。我們的組織方式採取去中心化的無政府式游擊,多人協作、自主調派時間,除了定期舉辦的黑客松(hackathon)是面對面的大型聚會,其餘一切資訊在線上共同編輯平台 hackpad 上公開,平時用 IRC(internet relay chat)聊天溝通。零時政府的成員就像一群蜜蜂,合力將各種資訊像花粉一樣散播在空氣中,讓每個人在開放的網路環境中授粉,有利於民主社會中的公民下最好的判斷。
你是否感覺到台灣社會正在經歷風起雲湧的巨變,又不知如何盡一份力量?或是你想貢獻所學專業,幫助更多人了解各種實際運作的內幕真相?快加入零時政府!g0v 目前需要更多跨領域專業的協作,如環境相關專家、氣象專業人士、社運組織者、醫療專業等。除此之外,與政府的對話以及數位公民的參與,也是開放資料運動重要的環節。透過更多人的參與,才能讓許多開放資料有更實質的意義。
g0v Summit 2014: Invitation for International Speakers
g0v is a civic-tech community established in late 2012 with deep open-source roots. More than 1,000 volunteer contributors built a variety of civic-based tools at 10 major hackathons, making g0v among the largest active civic groups in Asia—not just as a community but as the very spirit of building technology and helping other communities make pragmatic changes.
We want to invite you and your colleagues from your community/organization to share your own knowledge and experience, adding greatly to our first international g0v Summit event on November 8, 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan.
We are delighted to have Clay Shirky, author of Cognitive Surplus, as our keynote speaker. More information about the conference is available at the http://summit.g0v.tw/ website (English version will soon be available).
Our travel budget is limited. We may not be able to cover your travel costs, but please let us know if this is a prerequisite for your attendance. If your organization is willing to sponsor your travel, we would list your organization as a sponsor.
We would love to hear how your organization makes actual changes with civic tech; please let us know your topic and provide an abstract of your planned talk by July 14th. You are also invited to attend the planned Unconference the next day, November 9; please let us know if you are available for that event.
(For the summit on November 8, we expect to have 25 half-hour sessions across five tracks; due to limited session slots, we might not be able to accept all sessions.)