The Green View Index (GVI) was calculated using Google Street View (GSV) panoramas. This method considers the obstruction of tree canopies and classifies the images accordingly. By using GSV rather than satellite imagery, we represent human perception of the environment from the street level. The GVI presented here is on a scale of 0-100, showing the percentage of canopy coverage of a particular location. Explore the maps above to see how the GVI changes across a city, and how it compares across cities and continents.
There are many other resources available to help you determine whether citizen science and open data projects are right for your community. We’ve listed a few below. We would also love to hear your stories about using citizen science.
The Trees observation tool in the NASA GLOBE Observer (NASA GO) app
The Trees observation tool in the NASA GLOBE Observer (NASA GO) app allows citizen scientist observers to use their mobile devices to take tree height and tree circumference measurements all over the globe.
Check out the new Street Tree Map! The results of the 2015 TreesCount census, an enormous city-wide volunteer effort including many Trees New York volunteers. We think you'll be pleased with the results. Click here:
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