[機票]>> 準則:補助者自己先買,現場再撥款
- 確認補助後,要確認該名參與者出發城市,由我們先查詢該城市-台北來回機票之合理票價。
- 機票補助,將由你先自行購買,我們將於會議第一天給你台幣現金
- 補助之合理機票價格為XXX元後,如實際機票不達這個XXX元,將以實際票價去補助,如超過,我們將最多補助至XXX元。
- According to our funding source, airfare subsidy is must conducted in following rules:
- The person be subsidized has to buy the round-trip flight ticket by your own.
- The funding will be paid in “cash” in Taiwanese dollar (NTD) when you arrive.
- To receive the payment. “Ticket Receipt” and coming “Boarding Pass” are 100% required.
- We are only able to cover the lowest reasonable economy class fare. That will be NTD XXX between Taipei and (your leaving) Airport. (If the actual ticket price is lower than this number, the subsidy will follow actual price. If higher, the subsidy will stay this number.)
- Arrival date should be no later than Oct. 4th, 2018. Departure date should be no earlier than Oct. 8th, 2018. The major international airport in Taipei is “TPE” and "TSA".
- Welcome to let me know if you have any question. Once book the flight, please email me the detail and receipt soon.
- 提醒受補助者購票後要先提供含票價的機票憑證(明細)
- 事先依實際機票明細,換算應補助台幣,於事先申請現金
- **** 換算匯率時,所有補助者應採用同一天匯率換算,才不會有不平等的補助落差
- 機票憑證(發票明細),如已經寄給我們電子檔,我們就自己印出即可)
- 一定要千叮嚀萬交代,登機證要留著!! 要留著!!,事前提醒信範本如下:
- Important steps to get your airfare subsidy:
- You must keep “all boarding passes” of your flights to Taiwan. It is the necessary document to receive subsidy.
- To get the airfare subsidy, please find me at Lunch time on Sep. 12 (2nd day of TICTeC) at the information desk in front of 201B, TICC.
- To get the airfare subsidy, you will need to give me your boarding passes and sign a paper format as attachment. The passport no. will be required, hence, please bring the info. with you. Or you can reply me this info. now.
- 如果該補助者沒辦法自行事先購買機票,或是不能收取現金,請另行通知lulu@ocf.tw研擬替代方案,但因為其他程序較複雜且會牽涉更多手續費支出,請盡量避免。
[住宿]>> 準則:我們統一代訂付款
- 告知住宿安排規格:ex. 四星級飯店、單人房一間、雙人床。
- 告知其他方案:如需增加天數,一天約xxx元,需自行於退房時跟櫃台結帳。
- 告知其他方案:如需其他房型或需求(ex. 雙人房,且多加一位住宿者),請事先通知,我們將請飯店報價,差價請於退房時與櫃台結帳。
- ****** 訂住宿時,請留意住宿者飲食需求,例如是否需安排清真認證早餐。