提問前,請先參考 g0v 媒體區、過往採訪共筆
CC BY 4.0 g0v contributors at (url)
由 g0v 貢獻者以創用 CC 姓名標示 4.0 授權,網址: (url)
1. 請問 g0v 零時政府是什麼?可否簡單說明其目標與運作的方式?
What is g0v? What are the objectives of g0v? How does it function?
2. 像 g0v 零時政府這樣的協作平台在運作上有哪些特色?
How would you describe the characteristics and culture of g0v?
3. g0v 零時政府成立不久之後發生了反服貿事件與 318 學運,讓 g0v 一戰成名。請問當時 g0v 策劃了哪些專案?如何執行?執行成效為何?
g0v became known soon after the launching for its participation in the anti-service trade deal and the Sunflower Movement. Tell us what projects were initiated during that time, how those projects were carried out, and how they were received.
以 2016 總統立委大選為例,g0v 零時政府希望在選舉中扮演什麼角色?具體上又有哪些執行方式?
How does the community of g0v participate in the 2016 presidential and legislative election?
7. 在這些專案的執行過程中,g0v 零時政府如何保持其開放立場來運作?g0v 如何維持其專案的客觀性?
How does g0v remain open and transparent? How does the community retain its objectivity?
8. 您認為在未來,像 g0v 零時政府這樣的新媒體社群對民主來說,最重要的意義是什麼?其又對台灣的民主政治產生哪些影響和挑戰?
What do you feel is the significance of new media communities like g0v for the society? What kind of impact and challenges do these communities bring to the democracy in Taiwan?