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2250 days ago
2369 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 雨蒼 林 , 仔魚 2369 days ago
2292 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 仔魚 , kjcl , Peace , fiorella , YiTzu 2292 days ago
2018-10-31 vTaiwan 把資料交出來跨部門資料運用線上諮詢會議共筆
  • 影片
  • 概要說明
仔魚 先前為了討論政府資料跨部門運用之法制研析,國發會主辦並由國巨法律事務所執行之委託研究案,於2018年8月16日召開焦點座談會,討論了政府與政府間之資料交換(G2G),於8月22日召開直播焦點座談會,討論了政府資訊開放民間運用(G2C),並於8月30日召開直播焦點座談會,討論了民間開放資料提供政府運用(C2G)。參考資料:https://vtaiwan.tw/topic/data-integration
時間 年10月31日(星期三)
18:30~19:00 報到
19:00~19:10 主持人開場、自我介紹
19:10~19:20 主持人議題說明
19:20~20:50 議題討論
20:50~21:00 總結
  • 開場簡報
kjcl Q: What is data amongst the public? 
A (Billy): Some of the data is sometimes sourced from the public, which helps the government makes decisions. For example, take pigs. The government does not keep a record of pigs, but it helps to get a manifest of pigs, so it asks for the farmers to provide a manifest. If the government wants to provide quality data, it must consider the public as a source, but that comes with its problems. 
Follow-up: Is Public data always free? If we are talking about government open data, we should keep this discussion closed to open data. 
A: That makes sense, but when we had our discussions, we had always included it. If people don't think it's important, we can always change it. 
  • 專家報告
仔魚 國發會科長報告
kjcl From government data from the highest level, there is the problem of providing data from government agency A to B. Between government entities, there is an opportunity to share data. From the opening report, I found several problems. When entity A asks for data from entity B, they must give some reasons. Entity B must decide on the reasons given by entity A as to whether or not it is appropriate to provide the data. 
An example: Ministry of Highways and the Police. The Ministry of Highways was unwilling to agree to providing information to the Police because of privacy issues. 
It might be possible to create clear data pipelines between different government agencies. 
Now to answer the other part: Government providing open data to the public. 
Then this is a much harder question. If the government provides data to the public, we have to go back to a more fundamental question: Does the government have the right to provide data to the public? A lot of community members were hoping that we could legislate a responsibility for the government to provide open data. We considered this, but legislating is not easy. The difficulty is high. Another consideration is: if we cannot legislate, what else can we do? 
Through the government Freedom of Information Act (? better trans. needed) is a way of the government to provide data to the public. What are its limitations? How does it do comparatively? What about the Australian government? The FOIA in Australia works differently. The FOIA sets the norm that government must be open, but it does not set a methodology that government must be open. For example, y
Peace 不成立的情形:
2604 days ago
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Cheng H 北市特教12年就學安置地圖視覺化
  • 11:40 自我介紹
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Chyi-Shian J Sam:看見思法,打雜,有任何devops 問題歡迎交流
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  • 如果語音搜尋做得到跨平台,就可以整合 iTaigi 的語音搜尋
2474 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 仔魚 2474 days ago
  • 歡迎加入我們的FB社團報名參加我們的定期聚會「vTaiwan小松」。
2559 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 仔魚 2559 days ago
Yun-Chen C
  • 為什麼做這個?好處是什麼?
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Yun-Chen C 二、政府如何與網路社群互動
2389 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 仔魚 2389 days ago
tmonk 公視我們的島 
小彭  -- 彭盛韶/時代力量智庫副執行長 (開放資料推動現況)
Peace 于珊
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