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2328 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Michael_Li , 廖建森 2328 days ago
Michael_Li 備份好讀網站
事由:好讀網站創辦人不幸逝世消息來源),討論電子閱讀的社團「電子閱讀討論區 」有一些人正在討論是不是能夠備份該網站(討論1 )(討論2),開啟此共筆謀求解決之道。
廖建森 網站主體是能WinHTTrack去抓取整個網站,但是它的電子書檔案的連結是不規律產生,無法大量批次抓取。網站大量電子檔也需要一個共有空間上傳。
世紀百強 1-10頁書單
隨身智囊    1-6頁書單 
歷史煙雲 1-3頁書單 
武俠小說 1-10頁書單
懸疑小說    1
2437 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Michael_Li 2437 days ago
  • 自由短講
  • (暫定)我們自己看新聞的時候如何有水準? 談媒體素養
  • 睽違七個月的萌典松(汗),這次除了貓咪萌之外,可能還會追加嬰兒萌~貓嬰友善,歡迎路過!
  •  一定要來看寶寶    //寶寶松 一定很有趣 XDDD
2102 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 仔魚 , Audrey Tang , Patrick Connolly , Michael_Li 2102 days ago
Wifi: PDIS_Public_5G/ji394pdis
Translation: English
Audrey T
  • 已將過程及共筆交給羅政委辦公室、尤立委辦公室
  • 更新官網:iWin的簡報、tmonk的簡報、尤辦草案(雨蒼再問能不能公開)
  • 10/31  跨部門資料運用線上諮詢會議
  • 公部門?法協和/或資管處?
  • 雨蒼本次的主持人收入捐給小松(10/31)
Audrey T
  • 行政協助:
  • 紀錄(坐主持人旁邊):子魚
  • 文播(中):Kevin
Patrick C
  •  offline opinion phase via sociometric badges (@kevinphy / @patcon) 
Audrey T
  • Social Physics
  • Evidence supports that content of what is discussed — while words are important — can almost be ignored and focus on the pattern of speaking. A group in which one person talks all the time don't reach their shared goals together; whereas more effective ways of interacting are short bursts of information from everyone, and lots of different perspectives are represented, so the group can reach the common goal more effectively.
  • This area of study (documented in a book of the same name) is not as focused on the digital spaces — rather high-bandwidth face to face spaces that we are evolved to work in. What they created measures the volume of people and the proximity of people speaking to each other. They get offices and families to wear this to collect a lot of data. There is two experiments...
  • The first one is almost an excuse to build an openbadge prototype, get this made (it's open hardware) and try it out — there is a hub (github.com/HumanDynamics/openbadge-hub-py) to visualize behavior that may reflect how people e.g. work in a Hackathon.
  • The goal is to give people perspective of an overview of speech patterns, as well as exploring new forms of idea in group dynamics.
  • In RightsCon, 
  • 坑(待辦事項認領區)
2275 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Shah Niwa , Yi-Hua Liang , Michael_Li 2275 days ago
  • 15:00-18:00 Michael_LI
2282 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Michael_Li 2282 days ago
Michael_Li 時間:2018/4/28(六)10:00-16:30(9:30開放報到)
地點:臺灣師範大學綜合大樓210展覽廳(臺北市大安區和平東路一段129 號)
公視只給4K 70萬一小時而已
2451 days ago

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